2012最新版高中英语课时讲练通配套课件:Module6《The Worlds Cultural Heritage》(外研版选修7)推荐.ppt

2012最新版高中英语课时讲练通配套课件:Module6《The Worlds Cultural Heritage》(外研版选修7)推荐.ppt

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2012最新版高中英语课时讲练通配套课件:Module6《The Worlds Cultural Heritage》(外研版选修7)推荐

备课资源·参考 模块质量评估 China adopts first law for intangible cultural heritage protection (非物质文化遗产) China’s top legislature passed the country’s first law for intangible cultural heritage (ICH) to better preserve the nations’ traditions of historic, literary, artistic or scientific value. The law, to take effect on June 1, 2011 was approved at the end of the three-day bimonthly session of the National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee after the draft version was revised three times since August last year. “It is a milestone for the country’s ICH protection efforts, ” Vice Minister of Culture Wang Wenzhang told Xinhua in an interview. ICH is responsible for the traditional cultural expressions and practices of China’s various ethnic groups, which have been passed down through generations and have become part of the country’s cultural heritage. The ICH specifically covers traditional oral literature, performing arts, craftsmanship, medicine and folk customs. The law also recognizes material objects and the sites for performing practices. The law provides that the State Council and provincial governments must create lists of representative ICH items for national and local levels, respectively. The agencies are also tasked to enhance protection efforts for ICH items. According to the law, the country would assist ICH protection efforts in ethnic minority areas, remote areas and poverty-stricken areas. Aside from providing effective protection, the law also encourages the development of cultural products and services based on rational use of the representative ICH items. Governments should support such rational utilization activities conducted by related units, which could benefit from tax breaks, according to the law. “Such practice is a kind of productive protection for ICH, ” said Wang, adding that it would effectively help pass on related ICH items. The law also supports representative heirs in



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