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第八套Part I Vocabulary and grammar 1. The temperature will rise to 33 degrees Fahrenheit, _______ point ice will begin to melt.A. which B. at which C. whose D. at whose 2. —Excuse me, Miss, _______ may I share your table? —Of course. Be my guest. A. soB. andC. butD. yet 3. —Are you satisfied with what Alice did?—Not a little. It couldn’t be _______.A. any better B. any worse C. so well D. so bad 4. They donated most of their money to Project Hope _______ they themselves were not rich.A. as long as B. as soon as C. as though D. even though 5. Thank you very much! But for your help, I _______ the task on time. A. mustn’t have finished B. shouldn’t have finished C. wouldn’t have finished D. needn’t have finished 6. _______ the safety of pedestrians, the city government is considering _______ the traffic regulations. A. Ensuring; adopting B. To ensure; to adoptC. Ensuring; to adopt D. To ensure; adopting 7. The twins look so alike that it is often difficult to distinguish one from _______.A. another B. others C. the other D. the others 8. Mr Brown couldn’t understand _______ made his wife spend so much time in making up.A. what it was that B. why it was that C. how that was D. what was it 9. We Chinese are all proud of _______ our country has achieved over the past sixty years.A. that B. what C. which D. how10. The conference will _______ how to prevent the spread of AIDS throughout the world.A. focus on B. depend on C. take on D. hold on11. —Are you going to fly to Guangzhou to attend the trade fair this weekend?—Yes, but we _______ the tickets. A. weren’t booking B. haven’t booked C. wouldn’t book D. hadn’t booked 12. Please calm down and let me ______! I didn’t really want to eat all the apples; I just couldn’t help myself.A. react B. reply C. explain D. insist13. Your idea ______ very interesting. I will have a try and may


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