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英语 第21讲 九年级Units 13-14 1.advantage(n.)→__disadvantage__(n.反义词)缺点;不利条件 2.wood(n.)→__wooden__(adj.)木制的;木头的 3.harmful(adj.)→__harm__(v.n.)危害;损害 4.science(n.)→__scientific__(adj.)科学上的;科学的 5.care(v.n.)→__caring__(adj.)体贴人的 6.congratulate(v.)→__congratulation__(n.)祝贺 7.manage(v.)→__manager__(n.)经营者;经理 8.thank(v.)→__thankful__(adj.)感谢;感激 9.thirst(n.)→__thirsty__(adj.)口渴的;渴望的 1.play a part __in__ doing sth. 参与做某事 2.make a __difference__ 起作用;有影响 3.be __harmful__ to 对……有害 4.the food __chain__ 食物链 5.at the __top__ (of sth.) 在(……)顶部或顶端 6.take __part__ in 参加 7.__turn__ off 关掉 8.__pay__ for 付费;付出代价 9.take __action__ 采取行动 10.__throw__ away 扔掉;抛弃 11.put sth.to __good__ __use__ 好好利用 12.pull...__down__ 拆下;摧毁 13.bring __back__ 恢复;使想起;归还 14.in a __row__ 连续几次地 15.look __back__ at 回首(往事);回忆;回顾 16.make a __mess__ 弄得一团糟(一塌糊涂) 17.__keep__ ones cool 沉住气;保持冷静 18.__go__ by (时间)逝去;过去 19.__believe__ in 信任;信赖 20.__first__ of all 首先 21.be __thirsty__ for 渴望;渴求 22.be __thankful__ to sb. 对某人心存感激 23.ahead __of__ 在……前面 24.__along__ with 连同;除……以外还 25.be __responsible__ for 对……有责任;负责任 26.__set__ __out__ 出发;启程 27.__separate__ from 分离;隔开 1.We __are__ __trying__ to save the earth.我们正尽力拯救地球。 2.The river __used__ __to__ __be__ clean.河水过去很干净。 3.The air is badly __polluted__.空气被严重污染。 4.Everyone in this town should __play__ __a__ __part__ __in__ cleaning it up!这个城镇上的每个人都应该参与到清扫垃圾中来! 5.So together,our actions can __make___ __a__ __difference__ and __lead__ __to__ a better future!我们齐心协力就能改善环境,创造美好未来! 6.She lives in a house in the UK that she __built__ herself __out__ __of__ rubbish.她住在美国,房子是她自己用废弃物建造而成。 7.Who told someone to __take__ __a__ __break__ from running?谁说在跑步时要休息一下? 8.She helped you to __work__ __out__ the answers yourself __no__ __matter__ __how__ difficult they were.无论多难她都帮你让你自己找出答案。 9.__Because__ __of__ her,I put in more __effort__ and my exam scores doubled.因为她,我更加努力从而使我的考试分数翻了一倍。 10.Im trying __to__ __keep__ my __cool__.我在尽力保持冷静。 11.I am __looking__ __forward__ __to__ going to senior high school.我正


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