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翠 城 花 园 调 研 报 告 CUI CHENG HUA YUAN DIAO YAN BAO GAO 一、地理位置 二、现状概述及分析 三、规划理念 四、规划原则 五、规划布局 六、景观设计 七、小区优劣势分析 八、设计说明 overview and analysis planning idea planning principle planning layout landscape design area advantage and disadvantage design description Geographic location 广州市中心位于北纬23度06分32秒,东经113度15分53秒,地处中国大陆南部,广东省中南部,珠江三角洲北缘。广州濒临南海,邻近香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区,是中国通往世界的南大门。广州属丘陵地带。地势东北高,西南低,北部和东北部是山区,中部是丘陵、台地,南部是珠江三角洲冲积平原。中国的第三大河——珠江从广州市区穿流而过。 Geographic location 而小区正处广州市中部的海珠区,由珠江水系广州河段前后航道所环绕,是四面环水的天然良壤。海珠区风景秀丽,气候宜人,是一个素有广州“南肺”之称的绿色岛区。 Guangzhou city is located in north latitude 23 degrees 06 minutes and 32 seconds, longitude 113 degrees 15 minutes and 53 seconds, is located in the southern mainland China, Guangdong Province in South Central, northern margin of the Pearl River delta. Guangzhou endangered South China Sea, adjacent to Hongkong Special Administrative Region and the Macao Special Administrative Region, Chinas southern gateway to the world. Guangzhou is a hilly areas. High-lying north-east, south-west low, North and north-east are the mountains, the central hills, plateaus, is south of Pearl River Delta alluvial plain. The third longest river in China -- Pearl River from Guangzhou downtown area flows and. Overview and analysis of current situation 1、区域位置分析 翠城花园位于广州市中心区,是不可多得的城市中心区大型园林小区。 1, the regional location analysis Jade Garden is located in Guangzhou City, downtown area, is rare in the urban centers of large garden area. 2、场地现状分析 根据调查,翠城花园历经7年打造的成熟生活社区,占地约16万平方米,总建约60万平方米。地铁八号线宝岗大道站就在小区门口,已经开通,交通方便。小区内拥有50000平方米中心园林,1000平方米星光泳池,3000平方米泛园林会所。幼儿园、小学、中学一条龙教育配套。 2, Site Analysis According to the survey, Jade Garden City, seven years after the maturity of life to build community, covering about 16 square meters, total construction of about 60 million square meters. Baogang Road subway eight line in the cell door has been opened, and convenient transportation. District center has 50,000 square meters garden, 1000 m2 Star pool, 3000 m2 garden club


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