一般人为什么会三分钟热度(Why do ordinary people get three minutes of heat).doc

一般人为什么会三分钟热度(Why do ordinary people get three minutes of heat).doc

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一般人为什么会三分钟热度(Why do ordinary people get three minutes of heat)

一般人为什么会三分钟热度(Why do ordinary people get three minutes of heat) If you can put your values on your contribution, in fact, you will be very successful, because your starting point is right. When your starting point is right, no one can refuse you. I think its a necessary mindset for a successful person, and thats one of the most important rules of getting rich. I can share some successful experiences and methods in this book, thanks to the great masters who used to share these ideas with me. Because without their share, today I Chen Anzhi will not share these successful experiences here. Without them, there would be no me. The reason why I succeed is because of their help. The reason why I do this is because these ideas can help more people. In fact, the best way to motivate yourself is to learn. The reason why Im so motivated is because I have new ideas and ideas every day, and I update myself every day with an updated approach. My goal in life is to help more people. So I have to change myself constantly. Because only improve myself, there is only way to serve more people, there is a way to serve the higher level of people. I havent changed myself. How do I teach others? My own income has not increased, how do I teach people to improve performance? I have no confidence in myself. How can I teach people to be confident? Im not going to lecture myself. How do I teach people public speaking? No one can give you what he doesnt have. Its absolute truth. So, when Im going to learn from one person, Im going to see how good this person is. Good performance, I must go, the performance is not good, that he does not understand what he is doing. If you really understand that, in fact, the effect should appear on you. If not, it means you dont understand it. Why is the average person three minutes hot? This is because they dont choose what they really want to do. And even if you choose what you really want to do, there will be bottlenecks. Ive changed eighteen jobs, and every ti


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