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Virus shedding Respiratory secretions – aerosols produced by coughing, sneezing, speaking Sneeze produces up to 20,000 droplets, all may contain virions Large droplets fall to the ground, do not spread far Droplet nuclei – 1-4 microns, remain suspended, may reach lower tract Nasal secretions contaminating hands, tissues * * Virus shedding Feces: a major means of spread in underdeveloped countries, but still occurs in wealthy nations Blood: vector bites, health care workers Urine, semen Milk Skin lesions * Transmission of infection The spread of infection from one susceptible host to another; required to maintain chain of infection Two general patterns The perpetuation of infection in one species Alternate infection of insect and vertebrate hosts Most human viruses are transmitted from human to human – they are the reservoir Some vector-human and vector-vertebrate cycles Zoonoses – viruses are shared by humans animals * Transmission Vertical transmission: transfer of infection between parent and offspring Horizontal transmission: all other forms Germ line transmission: agent is transmitted as part of the genome * Geography and season Often geography restricts presence of virus- requirement for specific vector or animal reservoir Before global travel was possible, distribution of viruses was far more restricted than today * * Viral Infection Chang Liu The nature of host/parasite interaction All viral genomes are able to establish themselves in a host population so that virus survival is ensured * Basic facts Every successful virus today must modulate host defenses to replicate and disseminate Every host alive today has intrinsic defenses coupled with immune defenses that evolved to deal with infections and tumors These molecular and cellular host-virus interfaces define the front line of survival for both host and virus * We live and prosper in a literal cloud of viruses Most infections have no consequence Many particles never find a living cell to infect Many ar


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