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猜测词义题 常见命题形式如下: 1)、The word “…” in the passage probably means_________. 2)、What does the word “…”mean______. 3)、The underlined(划线的) word means_________ 4)、The close meaning of the underlined word“…”is ___in English . 5)、The word “…”refers to ________ * 阅读理解基础训练 Basic Training ---词义猜测型 * 1.利用构词法猜测词义 英语中有大量的单词是通过合成或加前缀、后缀形成的,因此运用构词法来判断生词的意义是一种提高阅读速度的常用技巧,同时也是学生比较熟悉、擅长的一种解题技巧。 实践证明这是一种快速有效解决词汇障碍的方法。 * [实例1] (2008年浙江省宁波市中考试题) After the earthquake: 1. Check, take care of injuries and help make sure people around you are all right...... Watch out for aftershocks....... 2. Protect yourself by wearing long pants, a long-sleeved (长袖的) shirt and strong shoes.................. 3. Listen to the radio for the latest information............... 54. The underlined word aftershocks in the passage means _________ in Chinese. A.震感 B.震源 C.余震 D.防震 * 2.利用同义词或反义词猜测词义 有时作者为了使他的意思表达得更清楚明白,通常用一个、两个或更多的同义词、近义词、反义词或英文解释来说明文中一个比较难的词或关键词。通过我们熟悉的单词或解释,用已知的知识就不难推断出生词的词义来。 The relay, planned to kick off at 15:40 Saturday, will set out from Da Yu Ling. 55. The underlined phrase kick off probably means _________. A. begin B. stop C. check D. leave [解析] A。后面的set out是出发的意思,所以kick off应该是begin的意思 * Q: Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “illiterate” A. repeat B. reiterated C. uneducated D. sick Passage3: Most women in Ghana —— the educated and illiterate, the city and countryside, the young and old work to earn an income in addition to maintaining their roles as housewi- ves and mothers. Their reputation for economic independence, self-reliance, and hard work is well known and well deserved(应得的,值得的). 解 释 第四节 * 解 释 这段文字中讲到加纳这个国家中 的大多数妇女, 受过教育的educated 和没有受过教育的illiterate ; 住在城市的 city 和住在农村的countryside ; 年轻的young 和年长的old 正好是一对对反义词。 因此选 C 项。 本题答案选C * 3.利用上下文猜测词


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