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l Have you talked to her lately? A lastly B finally C shortly D recently 2 While we don’t agree,we continue to befriends A whoever B where C Although D Whatever 3 Enormous sums of money have been spent on space exploration. A Much B Large C Small D Fixed 4 About one million Americans are diagnosed annually with skin cancer. A every year B severely C actively D every month 5 The policeman wrote down all the particulars of the accident A secrets B details C benefits D words 答案:1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5. B 6 We will take your recent illness into consideration when marking your exams A effect B account C effort D discount 7 There are a limited number of books on this subject in the library. A small B total C good D great 8 The chairman proposed that we should stop the meeting A showed B suggested C agreed D believed 9Mary has blended the ingredients. A made B mixed C cooked D eaten 10 They agreed to modify their policy. A clarify B define C change D develop 答案:6.B 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.C 11 The dentist has decided to extract her bad tooth. A take out B break off C push in D dig up 12 The economy continued to exhibit signs of decline in September. A play B show C send D tell 13 This table is strong and durable. A long-lasting B extensive C far-reaching D eternal 14 He endured great pain before he finally expired. A fired B resigned C died D retreated 15 The girl is gazing at herself the mirror. A smiling B laughing C shouting D staring 答案: 11.A 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.D


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