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简爱100 He kissed me. Im no better than that old, broken tree at Thornfield, he said. I cant expect to have a fresh young flower like you by my side, all my life! You are still strong, sir, and young plant need a trees strength ang safety to help them. Jane, will you marry me, a poor blind man with one hand, twenty years older than you? Yes, sir. My darling! Well be married in three days time, Jane. Thank God! You know I never thought much of religion? Well, last Monday night, I was sittiing by an open window, praying for peace and happiness in my dark life. In my heart and soul I wanted you. I cried out Jane three times. Last Monday night, around midnight? I asked, amazed. Yes, but this is the strange thing. I heard a voice calling Im coming to you, wait for me! and Where are you? Jane, it was your voice I heard. It was a sign from God! I told him how I had spoken those words many miles away, on that exact night. I thank God! said Edward Rochester, and ask Him to help me live a better life in the future! Together we returned to Ferndean Manor, Edward leaning on my shoulder. We had a quiet wedding. I wrote to tell my cousins the news. Diana and Mary were very happy for me, but St. John did not reply to the letter. Now it is ten years later, and we are very happy. I am Edwards whole life, and he is mine. We are always together, and are never tired of each other. After two years his sight began to return in one eye. Now he can see a little. When our first child was born, he could see that the boy had his large, dark eyes! Mrs. Fairfax no longer works, and Adele has grown into a charming young woman. Diana and Mary are both married, and we visit them once a year. St. John, of course, went to India to be a missionary. After a while, he forgave me for not marrying him. Now he writes to me often. He has decided that he will never marry. He knows that he will die someday soon, but he is not afraid of death. He will find a place in heaven. ? ? ???? 简爱90PART FOUR - LIFE AT


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