新视野大学英语第三册 unit 6单词及课文精选.ppt

新视野大学英语第三册 unit 6单词及课文精选.ppt

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新视野大学英语第三册 unit 6单词及课文精选

prediction n. 预测,预言 predict v.预言 Prediction of the result is extremely difficult. 预测结果非常难 There was no prediction of the earthquake last night. + ion 名词后缀 昨晚的地震没有任何预告。 * resist v. 抵抗,抵制; 忍住;抗(病) , 耐(热) re (back) + sist (stand) resist the temptation 抵制诱惑 resist the disease 抵抗疾病 People who are well are likely to be better able to resist disease and to fight disease when it strikes CET-4, 2006.12 阅读 * resistant adj. 抵制的,对抗的; 对…有体抗力的 防水的 防热的 water-resistant heat-resistant 保守的人通常反对变化。 I prefer the plants that are resistant to bad climate 对…有抵抗作用的,反对... Conservative people are usually resistant to change * related adj. 有关系的 be related to 与…有关 智力和工作记忆是相关的,这是一个普遍真理。 It seems that confidence is related to self-efficacy, flexibility?and?optimism. 似乎自信和独立效力,灵活度、乐观是相关的。 It is a universal truth that intelligence is related to working?memory . * UNIT 6 How to Prepare for Earthquake The earthquake in Songyuan, Jilin several days ago. * The Yushu earthquake on 4,14, 2010: * The Wenchuan earthquake on 5,12, 2008: * Seismic hazard (地震危害性) ●cause loss of life and property ● make the transportation system break down ● cause power line failures ● may cause infective deseases … * How to Survive an Earthquake * How to Survive an Earthquake * Globe Reading Detailed Reading Questions to understand. Language points. Summary UNIT 6 How to Prepare for Earthquake Globe Reading * 一.数据时间可先选: 观点信息匹配题 三.历史背景前三段 先把十个句子中带有数字和时间信息的挑出来先做 二.首句末句转折句 在题中找可能多的关键词,回到文中定位,主要看首句末句和转折句,找出与题中关键词重复最多的段落 句子中表明背景一般出现在前三段 * 1. The scientists learning a lot about the large plates in the Earth’s crust move, how earthquakes work, and it will be possible to predict earthquake with accuracy 2. Besides preparing the houses, people need to prepare themselves by storing clean water, food, and earthquake survival supplies in the areas where earthquake common occurrence . 7 4 Global Reading * 3. Japanese Scientists


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