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Notes to the Text—Active Expressions I’m by no means sure that this is the right thing to do. The country produces more than enough food to feed itself. You can’t count on a good weather in May. Some damn fool has parked too close to me. More Practice Key Notes to the Text—Active Expressions 理论决不能脱离实践。 我们已经买得够多了。 我能不能依靠你的帮忙? 我解不开这该死的扣子。 More Practice Notes to the Text—Active Expressions 1. By no means can theory be separated from practice. 2. We’ve bought more than enough. Can I count on your help? I can’t get this damn button undone. Key 2 2 I. Word Using promising adj. showing signs of being successful in the future Words and Expressions—Word Using 他是位很有前途的作家。 He is a promising writer. Key Translation amused; amusement 2. amusing adj. causing you laugh or smile He is a very amusing person and he makes me laugh a lot. e.g. Words and Expressions—Word Using Use It Do you have any amusing experience? 同根词 3. anniversary n. a day that is exactly a year or a number of years after a special or important event Words and Expressions—Word Using Translation 今天是这所大学100周年校庆日。 Today marks the 100th anniversary of the foundation of this university. Key 4. gratitude n. the feelings of being grateful or thankful 借此机会,我想感谢当地政府,感谢你们的精心安排。 Translation I’d like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the local government for your nice arrangement. Key Words and Expressions—Word Using 5. fatigue v. make someone feel tired Words and Expressions—Word Using What often makes you feel fatigued? Use It too much homework; traveling; … Tips 6. indifferent adj. not interested in or caring about sb./sth. Words and Expressions—Word Using How can you remain indifferent when children are suffering? e.g. 近形词 different 7. pack into v. put in a very small place Words and Expressions—Word Using e.g. About 250 students were packed into the classroom and I found it hard to breath


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