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10. association n. ② the act of joining or working with another person or group in association with = together with 我们和纽约办事处合作。 Translation We work in association with our New York office. Key Words and Expressions—Word Using II. Old to New Words and Expressions—Old to New rot; become bad safe weak desire hurt, harm indication empty a strong feeling organization decay secure faint thirst injure hint blank emotion association Words and Expressions—C to E III. Chinese to English 病历卡;医疗记录 医疗设备 微弱的脉搏 (为某人)解渴 病号服 medical chart medical equipment faint pulse ease (one’s) thirst hospital gown 护肤霜 善解人意的人; 看透他人心思者 空空的凝视 一股情感 skin cream a mind reader a blank stare a swell of emotion Words and Expressions—C to E Group Discussion Idea Sharing What’s your view on doctor-patient relationship? 1. Watch the movie clip and discuss the question in groups. Doctor Patient Idea Sharing 2. If your life is coming to the end, at the gate of Paradise, God may ask you to make a list of 10 admirable deeds in your whole life. What will be on your list? Idea Sharing Structure Writing Practical Writing Structure Writing Writing—Structure Writing The method of writing the passage of Section A: Dominant Impression + Details A sample a dominant impression supported by FOUR items of details Writing—Structure Writing Sample The party at Jane’s flat was a dismal failure. ① Jane hadn’t provided enough food, and we soon ran out of drink. ② Most of the people she had invited were strangers to each other and stood awkwardly in groups holding their empty glasses and wondering what to say. ③ The record-player broke down and Jane spent the whole time making apologies. ④ In the end the only thing left to do was to go home, and all the guests left early. Write a short composition, with a dominant impression supported by details. Topics: A cowboy is a hero. It is romantic in the snow. Your Task Writing—Structure W


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