Materials roadmap enabling low carbon energy technologies材料的低碳能源技术实现路线图.ppt

Materials roadmap enabling low carbon energy technologies材料的低碳能源技术实现路线图.ppt

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Materials roadmap enabling low carbon energy technologies材料的低碳能源技术实现路线图

MATERIALS ROADMAP ENABLING LOW CARBON ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES Renzo Tomellini Head of Unit Materials Innovation from Materials Material innovations have the potential to reduce environmental pollution, save energy, conserve resources, make mobility less dangerous and improve the quality of our life. Source: ACATECH, 2009, Some 70 percent of all technical innovations hinge directly or indirectly on the properties of the materials they use. Material innovations can be used in practically all technology sectors and branches of industry. Impact of Advanced Material Technology Source: Sanford M. Moskowitz, ??The Advanced Materials Revolution??, John Wiley Sons Inc, 2009 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 ICT 15 25 40 55 65 75 85 Energy 10 15 30 45 55 65 70 Biotechnology 5 10 20 30 45 55 65 Impact of advanced material technology on ICT, Energy Biotechnology (% growth attributable to advanced materials) Advanced materials have an earlier greater impact in ICT (incl. electronics), followed by Energy (incl. construction) and Biotechnology (incl. health) Market Potential for specific KETs Source: Background study; Confindustria (2009) Investment willingness for VAMs – all sectors Source: Oxford Research AS. Percentage calculated from averages based on values of portfolio allocation Market growth Materials vital for technology development Materials research and control over materials resources is becoming increasingly important in the current global competition for industrial leadership in low-carbon technologies. A Materials Roadmap for Energy Technologies is an important step forward - this is the first time such an exercise is done at EU Level and it will be of great significance for the development of low-carbon technologies. Roadmaps on Materials for the SET-Plan Based on 11 scientific assessments which show that mate


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