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某型电驱动轮边减速桥总成的研究与应用 摘 要 纯电动客车是一种对空气污染较小的城市交通工具,符合汽车节能环保的 发展要求。因此得到国家相关政策的支持,一些企业也正在投入资金和人力开 展深入研究。在城市公交客车上采用纯电动技术的意义在行业内已取得普遍共 识,但在其产业化过程中,除了电池、驱动电机等技术瓶颈外,其与普通内燃 机驱动客车相比,电动客车的车桥总成的设计与生产也存在着一系列的问题。 轻量化,高效性,智能化,低噪音的电动化车桥总成技术取代传统车桥技 术将成为行业发展的方向。作为整车的重要部件,车桥的集成一体化发展将推 动汽车行业的竞争,谁掌握了领先的技术并能将其产业化,就会在未来的行业 竞争中占得先机,所以采用传动效率高的轮边电驱动桥已成为未来新能源客车 的发展方向。本文参照相关驱动桥的设计方法进行了某型电驱动桥的设计。本 文首先确定主要部件的结构型式和主要设计参数;然后参考类似驱动桥的结构, 确定出总体设计方案;最后对关键零部件进行了理论计算和试验验证。 电驱动桥作为一种新技术产品,该课题今后将会成为热点而继续被深入研 究和发展。 关键词:纯电动客车,动力方式,驱动桥,设计方案 Research and Application on a kind of Electr ic Drive Axle ABSTRACT Pure electric bus is a kind of less air pollution urban transportation, and conforms to the requirements and development of environmental protection and saving energy on automobile. This technology has been supported by relevant national policies, and some enterprises are investing money and manpower to carry out in- depth study. In the city bus on the meaning of pure electric technology in the industry has achieved widespread consensus, but in its industrialization process, in addition to the battery, motor and other technical bottleneck, its passenger, compared with ordinary internal combustion engine, the electric passenger car chassis, etc. Design and production of axle there are a number of problems. It will become the developing direction of the industry that lightweight, high efficiency, intelligent, low noise electric axle assembly technology displace traditional axle technology. As an important part of a vehicle, the integration development of axle will push the car industrys competition, who m


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