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(2)An old man was kind to everyone, but he sometimes did something strange and made people laugh.One day, he __1___ two big basketball of grapes(葡萄) on his donkey (驴) and went to the market. At midday(中午), it was very hot, so he stopped in the shade (阴凉处)of a big tree. There were several other men there, and all of them had __2__ and baskets of grapes too. After their lunch they went to __3___.After some time, the old man began to take grapes out of the other men’s baskets and put ___4__ in his. Suddenly one of the men woke up and saw __5__. “What are you ___6__?” He said angrily.“Oh,”, said the old man, “Don’t worry___7___ me. I am half mad(疯狂) ,and I do a lot of strange things.”“Oh, really?”,said the other man. “Then why don’t you sometimes take grapes out of ___8___ baskets and put them in ___9___ baskets?”“You did not __10___ me,” said the old man. “I said that I was half mad, not quite mad.”( )1.A. putting B. puts C. putted D. put( )2.A. grapes B. donkeys C. money D. baskets( )3.A.work B. goC. sleep D. play ( )4.A.them B. donkeys C. moneyD. baskets( )5.A.heB .his C. him D. himself ( )6.A.doB. doing C. doesD. did( )7.A.forB. about C. onD. at ( )8.A. his B. my C. yourD. our( )9.A.your B. yours C .myD. mine( )10.A. know B. understandC. thank D. help (3) Sandwich is a kind of popular western food. We eat sandwiches with different fillings(填充物). Some of __1__ like sandwiches with eggs and some like vegetable sandwiches. I like sandwiches with pork or cheese in them. Sandwiches taste ___2___ and we can make it at home. Did you ever try making a sandwich yourself? The gradients(成分) for sandwich __3__ very simple(简单). You can buy everything in a supermarket. __4___ example, if you like sandwiches with eggs and vegetables, you can buy some bread, butter, lettuce and eggs in a supermarket and get things ready in only 10 minutes. What you need ___5__ is to fry the eggs and wash the vegetables. When you are hungry, just put the butter on to the bread,


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