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摘 要 本次设计所选的课题是桂林德克士快餐海报招贴设计。 德克士,中国西式快餐特许加盟第一品牌,与麦当劳、肯德基并列中国三大西式快餐。德克士炸鸡起源于美国南部的德克萨斯州。 顶新集团麾下的德克士秉承其“亲兄弟”康师傅一贯的开发思路,将中国人的口味与健康放在首位,利用典型的东方原料和原有的餐饮习惯开发出自己的特色食品,如脆皮多汁的炸鸡、玉米浓汤、米汉堡、鲜肉芙蓉堡…… 德克士快餐与其他快餐的区别在哪?弄清这一点是做好海报的关键。口味、餐具、就餐环境、产品的生产、促销和品牌形象的塑造,都要符合顾客的需求。This design a lesson for choosing is in wood in Guilin Dicos the fast food poster recruits to stick the design. Dicos, the Chinese western fashion fast food permits specially to become number of the first brand, be juxtaposed with McDonalds ,KFC, willing to China three greatest western fashionses fast food.Dicosfried chicken originates Texas of the south of the United States. Dicos of The tinghsin internation group takes orders the consistent the way of thinking of development in teacher in masterkong in its full brother, putting with health the Chinese taste at first, make use of the typical and eastern raw material to drink with the original meal the habit develop an own special features the food, such as thick soup, rice in juicy fried chicken, corn in skin in frailty hamburger, fresh meat lotus fortress 厖t Dicosfast food with the differentiation of the other fast food at which? Clear up this point is a key to work well the poster.Taste, cutlery,the meal environment, product, promote sales and to mold with the brand image, all meet the need of the customer.Here the characteristics of Dicos in last analysis in Dicos’ fried chicken each product, take into the appropriate exaggeration to the characteristics of Dicos product to design the Joss-stick sweet frailty hot and hear taste see smell. Dicos with customer satisfaction is his tallest standard, continuously creative, pursue outstanding, Dicos is in the light of trustworthiness, try to be practical, creative, service, with to the persons sincerity and to delicacies of enthusiasm for the customer constructed delicious, real benefit, quick of the dining is new to experience personally.All Dicos persons fortitude,hold the hand worked hard to struggle is to get the s


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