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考试中实用的例句 现在分词,动名词,v-ing形式 做主语: 照料宠物有助于培养小孩的交际能力。 social skills Taking care of a pet can help children develop social skills. contribute to / be conducive to Taking care of a pet can contribute to / be conducive to the development of children’s social skills. 被迫穿校服可能使叛逆的青少年更加叛逆。 rebellious Being forced to wear uniforms could make rebellious teens even more rebellious. 让孩子接触过多的暴力与色情对他们的成长有害。 excessive pornography be / bad / harmful / detrimental to Exposing young children to excessive violence and pornography would be detrimental to their development. 作表语: 我们政府的主要任务是消除贫困、疾病和文盲。 eliminate illiteracy The main task of our government is eliminating poverty, disease and illiteracy. 在我看来,跳槽的原因是为了寻求更多经验和接受新的挑战。 job-hopping take up new challenges In my opinion, the reason of job-hopping is seeking a wider variety of working experience an taking up new challenges. 我们的主要任务是掌握尽可能多的应试技巧。 Our major task is mastering (to master) as many testing techniques as possible. 作宾语 许多家长考虑把小孩送到外国去深造。 further one’s education Many parents consider sending their children abroad to further their education. 跳槽意味着失去某些利益。 jump from job to job Jumping from job to job means losing some benefits. 作定语 失败是一种学习的经历。 Failure is a learning experience. 如果你想提高英语写作能力,建议你多做写作和阅读练习。 If you wish to improve your English writing ability, you are advised to do more writing and reading practice. 敬老院提供较好的居住条件和专业的照料。 a nursing house A nursing house can provide better living conditions and professional care. 雅思经典必背之现在分词 现在分词作作表语 许多动物被用于医学实验的事实令人恶心。 sick / sicken The fact that many animals are used in medical research (同位语从句)is sickening. One of the facts that fascinates us most about cats is the popular belief that they have nine lives. 打电子游戏耗费时间。 Playing computer games(动名词作主语) is time-consuming. 骑自行车节省能源。 Riding a bike(动名词作主语) is energy-saving. 随着经济的高速发展,骑自行车的人数越来越少。 with / along with Along with the rapidly economic development, the number of people who ride bicycles is decreasing. 单个现在分词作前置定语 日益恶化的环境已经引起人们的广


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