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关系的定义 Relation 相关内容的回顾 关系的定义 关系的域 Relations as Subsets of Cartesian Products Relations as Subsets of Cartesian Products Graph Example Relations as Subsets of Cartesian Products Relations as Subsets of Cartesian Products Relations as Subsets: ?, ?, ?, -,? Relations as Subsets: ?, ?, ?, -,? 思考 特殊的关系 关系的表示 课本练习 * * 第十三讲 序偶:有序的偶对 序偶相等的定义: x,y = u,v ? x=u 且 y=v 集合A、B的笛卡儿乘积 A?B = ?x,y?(x?A)∧(y?B)? 性质:A?B ? B?A 关系是两个集合的笛卡儿乘积的子集。 关系R是序偶的集合: 若x,y?R则记为xRy 若x,y?R则记为xRy 集合A到集合B的关系:A?B的子集 集合A上的关系: A?A的子集 关系R的前域:domR = { x | (?y)(x,y?R)} 关系R的值域: ranR = { y | (?x)(x,y?R)} 若R?A?B ,则domR?A 且 ranR?B 关系的域 FLD R= domR∪ranR 因为 R ? A?B ? (A∪B) ? (A∪B),所以: A到B的关系是(A∪B)上的关系 见课本P106 例题1、2、3 DEF: Let A1, A2, … , An be sets. An n-ary relation on these sets (in this order) is a subset of A1×A2× … ×An. Most of the time we consider n = 2 in which case have a binary relation and also say the the relation is “from A1 to A2”. With this terminology, all functions are relations, but not vice versa. Q: What additional property ensures that a relation is a function? A: Vertical line test : For every a in A1 there is a unique b in A2 for which (a,b) is in the relation. Here A1 is thought of as the x-axis, A2 is the y-axis and the relation is represented by a graph. Q: How can this help us visualize the square root function: x y A: Visualize both branches of solution to x = y 2 as the graph of a relation: Q: How many n-ary relations are there on A1, A2, … , An ? A: Just the number of subsets of A1×A2× … ×An or 2|A1|·|A2|· … ·|An| DEF: A relation on the set A is a subset of A × A. Because relations are just subsets, all the usual set theoretic operations are defined between relations which belong to the same Cartesian product. Q: Suppose we have relations on {1,2} given by R = {(1,1), (2,2)}, S = {(1,1),(1,2)}. Find: The union R ?S The intersection R ? S The symmetric difference R ?S The difference R-S The complement R A: R = {(1,1),(2,2)}, S = {(1,1),(1,2)


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