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Mintzberg on Strategy Plan (intended) direction, guide, a course of action. Pattern (realised) consistency in behaviour over time e.g. high end, low risk, patterns evolved out of the past. What plan have we actually pursued over the last 5 years? Position Locating our HRM in a position, unique and valuable, involving a set of activities, X marks the spot. Perspective look inwards and upwards to a grand vision of the enterprise. The “theory” (mind-set) of the business. Less easy to change than position e.g. from bureaucracy to innovation. Ploy (specific manoeuvres) * Deliberate and emergent strategies Intended Strategy Deliberate Strategy Realised Strategy Unrealised Strategy Source: Mintzberg, Ahlstrand, Lampel, 1998, Strategy Safari, Prentice Hall Emergent * Form and Formation Strategies have a form and they are formulated So what is the form of HRM strategy of organisation X? Steerage and Umbrellas Deliberate broad outlines with details emerging en-route Set direction but unknown waters, move quickly or slowly? Focuses effort unity vs group-think peripheral vision Defines the organisation a shorthand but slogans may override complexity distort reality Provides consistency Provide order, a cognitive structure to simplify, explain facilitate action but creativity thrives on “loose” order * CEO and HR Director as strategists Conceive the big idea? Let everyone else get on with the details? But the job is not like this Mintzberg on managerial roles Interpersonal figurehead leader Information Processing liaison monitor disseminator Spokesperson Decision-making initiator/changer resource allocator disturbance handler negotiator (after H Mintzberg) * Corporate-Level Strategies Stick to the knitting - focus on core business Diversification Related : similar areas - build upon existing divisions synergy core competencies Unrelated - portfolio business in new areas No declared strategy? Corporate failure? Implicit strategy? Avoid resource-consuming activity D


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