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广州市天秀中学初一英语阅读课教学设计 课题:Reading A,Unit 4,7B 课型:Reading 设计者:广州市天秀中学 刘莉 Teaching Plan Unit 4 Electricity Reading A A servant of mankind 广州市天秀中学 刘莉 2008-4-17 教学内容分析:本课的教材取自上海牛津版七年级英语下册 Reading A,Unit 4。本单元是围绕着电、电器及安全规则的文章。 Reading A 是一篇关于电的家庭成员的对话,让学生了解电的各种不同形式并知道电是如何为人类服务的。本课内容是以对话形式为主的科普短文,内容较长,学生较难分析理解,所以我根据内容分解来讲。 教学对象分析:本课生词较多,内容较长,学生较难分析理解。而且本课是关于电的文章,趣味性不强。 教学目标:认知目标:1. To master the key vocabulary and phrases: a packet of electricity, fool, flow, explanation, bulb, a servant of mankind, forms of energy, flat, battery, chemicals, be connected to, change…into… 2. To understand the story . 能力目标: To tell something about how electricity get to our flat. 情感目标:通过阅读提高对英语的兴趣,感受学习英语的乐趣。教学重点:1. To master the key vocabulary and phrases 2. To understand the story and teach Ss the reading skill. 3. To tell the students what electricity is 4. To tell the students electricity can change into different forms of energy 5. To tell the students how does electricity come to our home 教学难点:To tell something about how electricity get to our flat according to the passage 2.Improve the Ss’ interest in studying,know a lot about electricity,strengthen the abilities of oral and writing,train the Ss’ abilities to study themselves and wok together. Teaching procedures: Part I: Warm up (3 minutes) Tell Ss a Chinese story and play a guessing game. (意图:同时激活学生思维,为下一步做准备) Part II : Pre-reading (5 minutes) 1. Watch a short movie and ask some questions about the short movie to stir up students. 2. Look at a picture and talk about it. 3. Lead Ss to know and learn how electricity comes to our homes? (意图:通过头脑风暴为障碍激活学生的想像力,Part III: While-reading (22 minutes) 1、Teach the article part by part. Pay attention to the colored words in the passage and guess their meanings. Tell the students that they can read the words around each colored word to find out its meaning. 2、According to skim the first and last part


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