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The Future of Diplomacy From Politics Among Nations: Struggle for Power and Peace, by Hans J. Morgenthau. Copyright 1948, 1954, @ 1960, 1967 by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Hans T. Morgenthau Main Points: FOUR TASKS OF DIPLOMACY Three means at the disposal of diplomacy Diplomacy: Its Nine Rules (Five Prerequisites of Compromise) 中文推荐文献:王逸舟:“中国外交影响因子探析”,《世界经济与政治》2009年第9期。 . Diplomacy is an element of national power. The importance of diplomacy for the preservation of international peace is but a particular aspect of that general function. 外交是国家实力的一个要素。外交对于维持国际和平的重要性只是其总体功能的一个特殊方面。 For a diplomacy that ends in war has failed in its primary objective: the promotion of the national interest by peaceful means. . 以战争告终的外交未能实现其首要目标:以和平的手段促进国家利益。 FOUR TASKS OF DIPLOMACY Taken in its widest meaning, comprising the whole range of foreign policy, the task of diplomacy is fourfold 最广义地说,涵盖对外政策的整个范围,外交的任务有四个方面: (1) Diplomacy must determine its objectives in the light of(根据) the power actually and potentially available for the pursuit of these objectives. 外交必须根据为追求种种目标而实际和潜在可得的实力来决定自己的目标。 (2) Diplomacy must assess the objectives of other nations and the power actually and potentially available for the pursuit of these objectives. 外交必须评估其他国家的目标,以及他国为追求这些目标实际和潜在可得的实力。 (3) Diplomacy must determine to what extent these different objectives are compatible with(相容) each other. 外交必须决定这些不同的目标在多大程度上相容。 (4) Diplomacy must employ the means suited to the pursuit of its objectives.. 外交必须运用适合追求其目标的手段。 A nation that sets itself goals which it has not the power to attain may have to face the risk of war on two counts(dissipate(分散) its strength; strain(拉紧) all its resources to achieve an unattainable goal). 一个设定了自身力所不及的目标的国家可能由于两个原因不得不面对战争风险。(一方面分散了自己的力量;另一方面,骑虎难下,不得不倾其所有资源力求实现一个无法实现的目标) A nation will also invite war if its diplomacy wrongly assesses the objectives of other nations and the power at their disposal. 一个 国家如果其外交错误地估计了他国的目标以及他国掌握的实力,也会招致战争。 A nation that mistakes a poli


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