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Character List Hester Prynne 海丝特.白兰 Pearl 珍珠 Roger Chillingworth 罗杰.齐灵渥斯 Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale 阿瑟.丁梅斯代尔牧师 Governor Bellingham 贝灵汉姆总督 Mistress Hibbins 西宾斯太太 Reverend Mr. John Wilson 约翰.威尔逊神父 Narrator 叙述着 The relationship of the characters Narrator He wrote the novel. Hester Prynne lover Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale Husband Roger Chillingworth Daughter Pearl Governor Bellingham Sister Misterss Hibbins Reverend Mr. John Wilson Can be swayed by Dimmesdale’s eloquence Hester Prynne protagonist the wearer of the scarlet letter passionate but also strong a strong-willed and impetuous young woman her tribulations lead her to be stoic and a freethinker a kind of compassionate maternal figure be maternal with respect to society becomes a protofeminist mother figure to the women of the community 返回 Roger Chillingworth Single-minded a man deficient in human warmth a difficult husband represent true evil 返回 Arthur Dimmesdale an intelligent and emotional man has an usually active conscience an eloquent and emotionally powerful speaker and a compassionate leader 返回 Pearl a young girl with a moody, mischievous spirit has an ability to perceive things that others do not functions primarily as a symbol 返回 Themes and Symbols Sin, Knowledge, and the Human Condition The Nature of Evil Identity and Society The Scarlet Letter The Meteor Pearl Themes Symbols



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