2012高中英语 5.3练习课件 外研版必修1 (陕西专版).ppt

2012高中英语 5.3练习课件 外研版必修1 (陕西专版).ppt

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2012高中英语 5.3练习课件 外研版必修1 (陕西专版)

5.—I often go swimming in the river in winter. —Really?I________but I________any more. A.do;don’t B.used to;don’t C.used;won’t D.was;don’t 解析: 考查used to do的用法,答语用了省略句,补充完整分别为:I used to go swimming in the river in winter but now I don’t go swimming in the river in winter any more。 答案: B be proud of 为……感到骄傲/自豪 (课文原句P49)The Nobel Prize is the highest scientific prize there is,so we should be very proud of that. 诺贝尔奖是现有的最高科学奖,因此我们应该为此感到自豪。 ①She is proud of her handsome son. 她以她英俊的儿子自豪。 (1)be proud to do因做……而自豪 be proud that以……为荣 (2)pride n.骄傲,自豪 take pride in=be proud of为……感到自豪 ②I’m very proud to call you my friend. 能够和你朋友相称,使我感到自豪。 ③He is proud that he has won the gold medal in the Olympic Games.他为在奥运会中获得金牌而感到骄傲。 6.My son showed me his new toy as soon as I got home.I could see he was very________it. A.pride in B.proud of C.tired of D.care of 解析: 句意为:我刚回到家儿子就向我展示他的新玩具。我能看出他以这个玩具为荣。be proud of以……为荣。 答案: B be supposed to do sth.理应做某事;应当做某事 (课文原句P49)I’m going to try to go to either Montreal or Ottawa University,as both are supposed to have good Physics Departments.我打算上蒙特利尔大学或渥太华大学,因为两者都应该拥有出色的物理系。 ①We are supposed to help each other. 我们理应相互帮助。 ②You are supposed to finish your home work in thirty minutes. 你们应该在30分钟之内完成作业。 be supposed to have done本应该做某事(但事实上没做) ③You are supposed to have finished the work by now. 这工作你现在应该已经完成了。(但没完成) 7.The message is very important,so it is supposed________as soon as possible. A.to be sent B.to send C.being sent D.sending 解析: 句意为:这条信息很重要,所以要尽快地发出去。be supposed后接不定式结构,意为“理应,应该”,排除C项和D项。it指message,message和send之间为被动关系,排除B项,故A项为正确答案。 答案: A * “守纪律、讲规矩”党课--做合格的共产党员课件《废弃电器电子产品回收处理管理条例》配套政策研究PPT培训课件《基因控制生物的性状》第2课时课件 Section Ⅲ Vocabulary,Listening and Writing,Pronunciation, Everyday English,Function Cultural Corner Step One:Fast reading Scan the text (P49) and choose the best answer. 1.When did Mark Kendon begin to enjoy science? A.Before he changed schools. B.After he changed schools. C.When he was a child. D.When he was in primary sc


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