2012高中英语 6.3练习课件 外研版必修1 (陕西专版).ppt

2012高中英语 6.3练习课件 外研版必修1 (陕西专版).ppt

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2012高中英语 6.3练习课件 外研版必修1 (陕西专版)

辨析:compare...with...与compare...to… 短 语 意 义 用 法 compare... with... 把……与 ……相比较 把两件事情相比较,从中找出异同,这两件事又往往是同类的 compare... to... 把…… 比作…… 把两件事物相比较,发现某些方面有相似的地方。这两件被比较的事物或人在本质方面往往是截然不同的事物 ③Compare this car with that one,and you will find the difference between them. 把这辆车与那辆车相比较,你就会发现它们之间的差异。 ④Chairman Mao compared the young to the morning sun. 毛主席把青年人比作早晨的太阳。 * “守纪律、讲规矩”党课--做合格的共产党员课件《废弃电器电子产品回收处理管理条例》配套政策研究PPT培训课件《基因控制生物的性状》第2课时课件 Section Ⅲ Listening and Vocabulary,Pronunciation,Writing,Speaking and Reading,Function,Everyday English Cultural Corner Step One:Fast reading Read the text (P59) quickly and answer the following questions. 1.Why are text messages popular? ________________________________________________________________________ 答案: Because they are much cheaper than talking on the mobile phone. 2.How do we have to look at an emoticon to read it? ________________________________________________________________________ 答案: We have to look at it sideways. 答案:  D 2.What does this text message “Whr hv U bn?Do U wnt 2 cm?” mean? A.What are you doing?Do you want to come? B.Where have you been?Do you want two cakes? C.Where have you been?Do you want to come? D.What are you doing?Do you want two cakes? 答案: C Ⅱ.Read the passage on P59 and tell the following statements True (T) or False (F). 1.Talking on a mobile phone is cheaper than text messages.(  ) 2.Do u wnt 2 g 2 th cnma tnite?means “Do you want to go to the cinema tonight?”(  ) 3.Emoticons are symbols for mobile phone users to express their feelings.(  ) 4.People can show how they feel by using emoticons in a text message.(  ) 5.They symbol “-V” in a text message means you are talking.(  ) 6.Talking on a mobile phone is slower than chatting with text messages.(  ) 答案: 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.F independent adj.独立的 be independent of独立;不依赖于,不受……的限制 ①The job will make him independent of his parents. 有了那份工作,他就不必依赖父母生活了。 ②That country became independent of France in the sixties. 那个国家在60年代脱离法国独立。 dependent adj.依赖的;依靠的


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