2012高中英语 6.1练习课件 外研版必修1 (陕西专版).ppt

2012高中英语 6.1练习课件 外研版必修1 (陕西专版).ppt

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2012高中英语 6.1练习课件 外研版必修1 (陕西专版)

(课文原句P52)He designed the first “web browser”,which allowed computer users to access documents from other computers. 他设计了第一个“网络浏览器”,可以让电脑用户从别的电脑上获得文件。 The course is designed for beginners. 这门课程是为初学者设计的。 The programme is designed to help people who have been out of work for a long time. 这项计划的目的是为长期失业者提供帮助。 The course is designed as an introduction to the subject. 这门课程是作为该科目的入门课而开设的。 (2)n.设计图;图样 He drew a beautiful design.他画了一个美丽的图案。 designer n.设计者;构思者 The weekend party was designed to bring together the designers who took part in designing a bridge.周末聚会的目的是使参与设计了桥梁的设计者们聚集在一起。 3.It is said that he is writing a book________children under six. A.designing for B.designed for C.designed to D.designing to 解析: 句意为:据说他正在写一本6岁儿童读的书。be designed for为……而设计。 答案: B permission n.许可 ask for permission请求许可 without permission未经许可 (课文原句P53)You need permission from the World Wide Web before you can access information. 你需要得到万维网的允许才能获取信息。 ①He entered the room without permission. 他未经许可就进入了房间。 ②The teacher gave me permission to go home early. 老师准许我早点回家。 permit v.允许 permit+n./pron./doing允许 permit sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事 ③My parents didn’t permit me to go with you. 我父母不准我和你一起。 4.The students were not________to leave the classroom without permission. A.permitted B.admitted C.hoped D.asked 解析: 该句意为:未经许可,学生不准离开教室。 答案: A consist of 由……组成 (课文原句P52)It consists of millions of pages of data. 它由数百万页资料组成。 The club consists of more than 200 members.这个俱乐部有200多人。 make up组成 be made up of=consist of由……组成 5.完成句子 一支足球队由几名队员组成? ①How many players________a football team________? ②How many players________a football team________? ③How many players________________a football team? 答案: ①does;consist of ②is;made up of ③make up 6.The United Kingdom________Great Britain and Northern Ireland. A.is consisted of B.is made up C.consists of D.consists in 解析: 该句意为:“联合王国包括大不列颠及北爱尔兰。” 答案: C as well也,还(通常放在句尾) (课文原句P52)It then became possible for universities to use the system as well.然后,各大学使用这种系统也成为可能。 ①She not just s


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