病毒性细菌性皮肤病 Viral Dermatoses.pptVIP

病毒性细菌性皮肤病 Viral Dermatoses.ppt

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Viral Dermatoses Department of Dermatology Xiao Sheng-Xiang General Description Definition Viral dermatoses are the cutaneous diseases resulting from viral infections. Classification of Viral dermatoses Herpesvirus group Herpes simplesx Varicella ( Chickenpox ) Herpes Zoster Roseala Infantum ( Sixth disease) Kaposi’s sarcoma Classification of Viral dermatoses Poxvirus group Molluscum contagiosum, milker’s nodules Papovavirus group Warts(common warts, Flat warts, plantar warts, genital warts) Classification of Viral dermatoses Parvovirus Erythema infectiosum( fifth disease) (B19 virus) Paramyxovirus group Measles, rubella Classification of Viral dermatoses Picornavirus group (enteroviruses) Hand-fooot –mouth disease (coxackie virus) Retroviruses AIDS Herpes Simplex Etiology Herpes Simplex Virus ( HSV ): DNA Virus Two antigenic types: HSV-1, HSV-2 HSV-1: lesions on the lips, face HSV-2: genital herpes Lesions anywhere may be caused by either antigenic type. Transmission: Intimate contact ( direct inoculation through traumatized skin ) Primary infection and recurrent infection Primary infection: first infection After primary infection virus migrates to the neuronal cells in ganglion latent infection latent virus to reactivate by triggering factors virus particles move on the nerve replicate in the epithelial cells recurrent infection Triggering factors: fever, trauma, emotional stress, menstruation Epidemiology 85% of adults worldwide are seropositire for HSV-1. Seroprevalence for HSV-2 is lower, appear at the age of onset of sexual activity. USA: ~23% of adults are infected with HSV-2 Developing countries: 60~95% of infection rates of HSV-2 Incubative or subclinical infection: 90% of all infected Clinial manifestation Features of the lesion: multiple small papules, vesicles, clusted together. Mature lesion: grouped vesicle


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