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第 37卷第 10期 无机盐工业 2005年 10月 INORGANIC CHEMICALS INDUSTRY 21 , , ,, (, 810016) : , pH: pH, : ;; + : TQ128 . 1 : A : 1006- 4990(2005) 10- 0021- 03 The effecting factors of boron prec ip itation from m oth er liquor of boric acid by lim e m ilk ZhangXingru, ang Bin, ZhangYufa, ZhangYuxia, DengMinhua (C olleg e of Chem ical E ng ineer ing, Q ingha i Un iversity, Q ingha i X in ing 810016, Ch ina) A bstract: The principle ofboronprecipitation from H BO mother liquorby lmi em ilk isanalyzed and the influencesof 3 3 pH value, reaction tmi e and temperature on the precipitation process are discussed.The results show that the precipitated rate of boron from H BO mother liquor can be increasedwith the increases of pH value and reaction temperature, changed 3 3 on thebasisof parabolic curvew ith the increase of reaction tmi e. K ey w ord s: boric acidmother liquor; lmi em ilk; boron 1 , , , Ca(OH) , 2 , 1 1, [1] , : pH,, MgSO 4 2H BO + 3Ca(OH) Ca (BO ) + 6H O 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 , 2+ Ca(OH) Mg 2 Mg(OH) 2 Mg(OH) ,: 2 , Ca(OH) +Mg2+ Mg(OH) + Ca2+ 2 2 ,, Mg(OH) , 2


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