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结核病流行病学调查方法的研究 作者:作者:杨光旭 邹志艳 袁理 冯新华 张跃梅 赵红艳 李晓坤 来源:医学期刊 / 中西医结合收藏本文章 【关键词】? 结核病   【摘要】 目的 探索适合区域性结核病流行病学调查的方法。方法 (1)随机抽取2个流调点:市结核病防治所组成A组、B组两支流调队,A组采用胸透筛选的方法、B组采用问卷筛选的方法,两组分别同时进驻2个流调点实施调查,采用交叉、盲法检查。(2)采用问卷筛查法进行结核病流行病学调查,并与2000年全国结核病流行病学调查的结果相对照。结果 (1)自身对照研究表明问卷与胸透筛选两种方法在肺结核检出率方面基本相符,调查时间B组比A组平均缩短2天。(2)对照研究表明在肺结核流行趋势、防治措施评价、肺结核的危害等方面与2000年全国结核病流行病学调查的结论相符。结论 本方法节省了大量的财力、物力、减轻了工作强度,提高了工作效率,可操作性强,得出的数据准确、科学性强、结论可靠,对制定切实可行的区域性结核病控制规划具有一定的指导意义。   关键词 结核 肺/流行病学 方法 ?????   The research on the TB epidemiology investigation method??   Yang Guangxu,Zou Zhiyan,Yuan Li,et al. ???   Changchun Tuberculosis Control Institute,Changchun130062. ???   【Abstract】 Objective To explore the method suited to regional TB epidemiology investigation.Methods (1)Random sampling two epidemiology investigation point.Changchun city anti-tuberculosis institute consists of A and B group.A group adapted to the method of chest X-ray screen.B group did the questionnaire scree.They enˉtered and were stationed in the two epidemiology investigation point and conducted investigation respectively and siˉmultaneously,adapted to crossing and blind examination method.(2)Adapted to questionnaire screen method was carˉried out TB epidemiology investigation,it compared with the result of the whole country in2000.Results (1)Self contrast research demonstrate that:the two methods are almost correspond to in finding pulmonary TB patients.B group is shorter average2days than a group in investigation time.(2)Contrast research demonstrate that:it correspond to the conclusion in pulmonary TB epidemiology trend,prevention and treatment measures evaluation and it’s harm etc,the whole national TB epidemiology investigation in2000.Conclusion This method saves much financial and material reˉsoures,reduces labour intensity and raises working efficiency.It can easy to operate,gain accurate data,Science is powerful,Conclusion is reliable.It possesses a certain directive significance for working out a realistic regional TB


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