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模型7:连续型随机需求存储模型 需求为连续的随机变量 设货物单位成本为K 单位售价为P, 单位存储费用为C1, 需求r是连续随机变量,密度函数为?(r),其分布函数为 生产或订货量为Q Q T W S 连续需求 当订购数量为Q时: 实际的售量应当是: min[r, Q] 供过于求(r=Q), 销量为r; 供不应求(rQ), 销量为Q; Q T r 连续需求 各项费用: 存储费用: 货物成本 :KQ 赢利为W(Q), W(Q) = P min[r, Q] - KQ - C1(Q) 赢利期望值E[W(Q)]: 赢利=销售收入-货物成本-存储费用 常量(平均盈利) 缺货损失期望值 滞销损失期望值 常量(购货成本) 为使盈得期望值最大化,有下列不等式: max E[W(Q)] = P E(r) - min E[C(Q)] max E[W(Q)] + min E[C(Q)] = P E(r) 因此,盈利最大和损失最小所得出的Q值是相同的。 而两者的和为一常数,称为平均盈利。 可能盈利 = 19.25 由以上分析,求赢利最大转化为求损失最小。 当Q连续取值时,E[C(Q)]是Q的连续函数。可用微分方法求解。 对上式求导: 令 则 记 从上式中解出Q,记为Q*,为E[C(Q)]的驻点。 又因: 知Q*为E[C(Q)]的极小值点。 若 P - K = 0,由于F(Q) = 0,等式不成立,此时 Q*取零值。即售价低于成本时,不需要订货。 上式只 考虑了失去销售机会的损失,如果缺货时 要付出的费用C2 P时,应有: 用上面的方法推导得: 多阶段问题: 设上一阶段未售出的货物量为 I--期初的存储量, 则有: 则有: 求出Q*。 相应的存储策略为: (定期订货,订货量不定的存储策略) I= Q*,本阶段不订货。 I Q*,订货量为 Q = Q* - I。 例 解: 第十三章作业 2 10 19 * This slide presents the information on inventory costs contained on pages 545-546 in a concise chart. * This slide presents the information on inventory costs contained on pages 545-546 in a concise chart. * This slide presents the information on inventory costs contained on pages 545-546 in a concise chart. * This slide presents the information on inventory costs contained on pages 545-546 in a concise chart. * This slide presents the information on inventory costs contained on pages 545-546 in a concise chart. * This slide presents the information on inventory costs contained on pages 545-546 in a concise chart. * This slide presents the key assumptions of the model as described on page 553. * This slide presents the key assumptions of the model as described on page 553. * This slide presents the key assumptions of the model as described on page 553. * This slide presents the key assumptions of the model as described on page 553. * This slide presents the key assumptions of the model as described on page 553. * This slide presents the information on inventory costs contain


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