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第一篇 区块篇At RiskSecurity Issues Today14B devices on the Internet by 2010135M remote users by 2005265% increase in dynamic Web sites3From 2000 to 2002 reported incidents rose from 21, 756 to 82,0944Nearly 80 percent of 445 respondents surveyed said the Internet has become a frequent point of attack, up from 57 percent just four years ago5 90% detected security breaches685% detected computer viruses695% of all breaches avoidable with an alternative configuration7Approximately 70 percent of all Web attacks occur at the application layer8The SoftUnderbelly1 Source: Forrester Research2 Source: Information Week, 26 November 20013 Source: Netcraft summary4 Source: CERT, 20035 Source: CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security Survey6 Source: Computer Security Institute (CSI) Computer Crime and Security Survey 20027 Source: CERT, 20028 Source: Gartner GroupCustomer ImpactApplication Layer AttacksImplicationsCompliance:Sarbanes OxleyGramm Leach BlilelyUS Patriot ActHIPAA The Privacy Act (CA)Basel 2 (EU)Data Protection Act (EU)Litigation File Sharing Piracy HR Issues Shareholder SuitsIdentity TheftWeb Site DefacementUnauthorized AccessModification of Data, Logs and RecordsTheft of Proprietary InformationService DisruptionCertificate RuleChecks for digital signature on application (i.e. Authenticode)Use when you want to restrict both win32 applications and ActiveX contentHash RuleCompares the MD5 or SHA1 hash of a file to the one attempted to be runUse when you want to allow/prohibit a certain version of a file from being runPath RuleCompares path of file being run to an allowed path listUse when you have a folder with many files for the same applicationEssential in when SRPs are strictInternet Zone RuleControls how Internet Zones can be accessedUse when in high security environments to control access to web applicationsTypes Of SRP RulesPrevention, Readiness, RecoveryEase of useIntegrated Database Services and Business IntelligenceFlexible install managementAdd value to one


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