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Li Qiang took up a prize 1 he won last year and traveled to the 2 AD 3008. Although he 3 (遭受)“time lag”,he was transported 4 (safe) into the future in a time capsule. 5 (混淆) by the new 6 (环境), he was hit by a lack of fresh air and his head ached. He had to put on a mask to get enough oxygen. Then he flew behind Wang Ping in a hovering carriage. 7 (arrive) at Wang Ping s home, Li Qiang 8 (show) into a large room with a wall 9 (make) of trees, a brown floor and soft lighting. 10 (exhaust), Li Qiang slid into bed and fell fast asleep 课文词汇等填空 that year suffered from safely Confused surroundings Arriving Exhausted made was shown 课文大意概括summarize the passage 本文显示了李强对未来公元3008生活的印象,和他如何被安全的运到未来世界,如何使用新的装置抵达汪平家的以及他在那儿所见所为。 The passage shows ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Li Qiang’s impressions of the future life in AD 3008 and how he was transported safely into the future and how he used the new equipment to get to Wang Ping’s home and what he saw and did there. 我隐约记得我们以前曾经见过面 我父亲让我铭记艰苦劳动的价值。 I have the impression that we have met once before. My father impressed on me the value of hard work. have an impression of sth/doing sth that…记得 make an impression on sb 给某人留下印象 make no impression on 对……无影响/效果 give sb a favorable impression给某人以好印象 an impression of sbs foot某人的脚印 impress sth on/upon ones mind 把…牢记在心上 His first speech as president ___ his audience. is impressed with B. made an impression on C. impressed D. B and C She looked around the room and wished to ____ everything on her mind. impress B. remember C. recite D. affect What’s your first impression ___ London? 你对伦敦的第一印象是什么? Father impressed ___ me the value of hard work. He impressed me ____ his sense of responsibility. of on with One d


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