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Time Management 时间管理 What do you typically do during your work day? Do you know what you have to do tomorrow? What about the next day? How does management keep on top of all the things they have to do? Time Management : Appointment 预约: A pre-determined meeting at a specific time and place. Schedule 日程表: A group of appointments slotted over a specific time horizon. Can be administered personally or by a secretary, personal assistant, etc. Meeting 会议: A group of individuals getting together to announce or discuss business matters. Planner 电子记事簿/电子秘书: A formatted tool for scheduling appointments, calling meetings, and managing time effectively. PIM/ PDA 个人信息管理/商务通: Personal Information Manager, Personal Digital Assistant. An electronic planner that combines multiple business functions, such as Email, Calendar, Phone book, Address book, Note pad, Time, Date, Calculator, etc. Minutes 会议记录: Written documentation of a business meeting. Usually the minute-taker only plays a supporting role in the meeting. To-do lists 执行表: Lists of actionable items that have to be performed. Sometimes the items are time-sensitive, and sometimes they are just memory-joggers. Action plan 实施计划: Methodical, comprehensive composite of tasks to be performed. Multi-tasking 多项任务/身兼多职: The act of performing or of being involved in multiple projects and/or tasks that have to progress simultaneously. Prioritizing 区分优先: Ranking projects, tasks and assignments in the order of their importance for execution. Agenda 议程: Orderly, systematic list/schedule of business items to be discussed at a meeting. Some common usages for the time-management terms: I’d like to call a meeting for… The meeting is postponed indefinitely. We’re having an impromptu meeting. It’s an all-hands meeting. I need to meet with the CEO. Can you make an appointment for me? The meeting is rescheduled for… Please notify everyone the meeting is cancelled. Has anybody seen my planner? Let’s go over the minutes of last Friday’s meeti


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