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William Stallings Computer Organization and Architecture 6th Edition Chapter 7 Input/Output Input/Output Problems Wide variety of peripherals Delivering different amounts of data At different speeds In different formats often slower than CPU and RAM Need I/O modules I/O Module(Two major functions) Interface to CPU and Memory Interface to one or more peripherals Generic Model of I/O Module §7.1 External Devices Human readable Screen, printer, keyboard Machine readable Monitoring and control Communication Modem Network Interface Card (NIC) External Device Block Diagram Typical I/O Data Rates §7.2 I/O Module Function Control Timing 控制和定时 CPU Communication 处理器通信 Device Communication 设备通信 Data Buffering 数据缓冲 Error Detection 检错 I/O Steps(Read) CPU checks I/O module device status I/O module returns status If ready, CPU requests data transfer I/O module gets data from external device I/O module transfers data to CPU Write??? I/O Module Diagram I/O Module Decisions Hide or reveal device properties to CPU Support multiple or single device Control device functions or leave for CPU Also O/S decisions e.g. Unix treats everything it can as a file Input Output Techniques Programmed I/O 编程I/O ※Interrupt-Driven I/O 中断驱动I/O ※Direct Memory Access (DMA) 直接存储器存取 §7.3 Programmed I/O CPU has direct control over I/O Sensing status 检查设备状态 Read/write commands 发送读/写命令 Transferring data 传送数据 CPU waits for I/O module to complete operation Wastes CPU time Programmed I/O – detail CPU requests I/O operation I/O module performs operation I/O module sets status bits CPU checks status bits periodically周期性地 I/O module does not inform CPU directly I/O module does not interrupt CPU CPU may wait or come back later I/O Commands CPU issues address Identifies module ( device if 1 per module) CPU issues command Control - telling module what to do e.g. spin up disk Test - check status e.g. power? Error? Read/Write Module transfers data via buffer from/to device Addressing I/O Devices Und


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