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摘 要 随着人们的消费水平不断提高,私人车辆不断的增多,人多、车多、道路少的道路交通状况已经很明显,同时各路口是城市道路网的咽喉要道,因此十字路口信号灯的控制更为重要。我们通常需要对整个系统进行集中监控与管理,所以采用有效的方法控制交通灯是势在必行的。本论文详细介绍交通灯的正常运行情况,采用具有通用性强特点的型号为CPU 224的S7—200系列PLC实现控制,给出相应的硬件接线和梯形图,将组态王与PLC相结合实现对十字路口交通灯实时控制,具有直观、控制程序可变、易于掌握的特点。 组态王软件是由北京亚控科技发展有限公司开发的工业级软件,也是首个应用于我国航空、航天领域的国产组态软件,具有开发简单、扩展性好、可靠性高等优点。,因此运用组态王软件制作十字路口交通灯控制系统动态监控画面,并将其与PLC实现串行通信,进而实现对十字路口交通灯实时控制。 本课题主要是组态画面与实验室中实验台上的十字交通灯相对应而设计的,实现了组态王与PLC在实验中的连接。 关键词:组态王;PLC;交通灯;控制系统 Traffic Light Control System Design Based on PLC and KingView ABSTRACT With the continuous improvement of peoples consumption level, private vehicles continues to increase, many people, cars, roads and less road traffic situation has been very clear, at the same time each intersection is the city road network choke points, so the intersection signal control more is important. We usually need the entire system for centralized monitoring and management, so the use of effective methods to control traffic lights is imperative. This paper details the normal operation of traffic lights, the use of models with versatile features for CPU 224 of the S7-200 series PLC for control, given the appropriate hardware wiring and ladder, the configuration by combining the king and PLC real-time control of traffic lights on the crossroads, with an intuitive control program variable, easy to learn. Kingview software is by Beijing asiacontrol Technology Development Co., Ltd. developed industrial level software, is the first application in China in the fields of aviation and aerospace domestic configuration software, has the development of simple, good, has the advantages of higher reliability growth. Application of Kingview software, so the control of dynamic monitoring system of traffic lights at the crossroads, and with the PLC to achieve serial communication, so as to realize the real-time control of the traffic lights at the crossroads. [1] The main topic is the configuration screen and the laboratory experiment platform of single intersec


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