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目录 摘要 III Abstract V 第一章 绪论 - 1 - 1.1课题背景 - 1 - 1.2课题研究内容 - 2 - 1.3 PID控制算法介绍 - 2 - 第二章 锅炉控制系统方案设计 - 5 - 2.1 锅炉控制系统组成 - 5 - 2.2 控制系统方案设计 - 8 - 2.2.1 功能需求分析 - 8 - 2.2.2 方案设计 - 8 - 第三章 PLC控制系统设计 - 11 - 3.1 系统接线原理图 - 11 - 3.2 PLC程序设计 - 12 - 3.2.1 编程思路 - 12 - 3.2.2 主要功能及实现 - 12 - 第四章 TD400监控界面设计 - 21 - 4.1 TD400 简介 - 21 - 4.2 TD400 监控界面设计 - 21 - 第五章 系统实验调试 - 27 - 第六章 总结 - 29 - 参考文献 - 31 - 致谢 - 33 - 附录:PLC源程序 - 35 - 摘要 电热锅炉具有效率高,体积小,无污染,运行安全可靠,供热稳定,自动化程度高的优点,是理想的节能环保的供暖设备。我校工程训练中心现有电热锅炉的控制系统目前采用开关量控制技术,由于开关量控制存在着一些不足,控制性能有待改善,故采用PID控制技术来代替开关量控制,实现PLC对锅炉压力的闭环控制,从而提高锅炉压力控制性能。为了便于锅炉温度及压力的实时监控,采用TD400对锅炉压力控制系统运行状态进行监控。 本设计以锅炉压力为被控量,以PLC为控制器,压力变送器为检测元件,固态继电器为执行机构,构成采用PID算法的锅炉压力闭环控制系统。运用PLC梯形图编程语言进行编程,实现锅炉压力的自动控制。设定PLC与TD400的交互数据,实现TD400对锅炉控制系统的监控。所设计的系统通过了实验调试,实现了锅炉温度的闭环PID控制,在TD400上能够进行PID参数和设定值的设置,显示实时运行状态。 压力控制,PLC,PID Abstract Electric heating boiler has the advantages of high efficiency, small volume, no pollution, safe and reliable operation, heat stability, high degree of automation, is an ideal energy-saving environmental protection heating equipment. Our engineering training center of existing electric heating boiler control system mostly adopts the switch quantity control technology, because the switch quantity control has some disadvantages, control performance to be improved, so the use of PID control technology to replace the switch quantity control, realization of PLC boiler and pressure closed loop control, thereby increasing the boiler pressure control performance. In order to facilitate the boiler pressure and temperature real-time monitoring, using TD400to boiler pressure control system running status monitoring. The design of boiler and pressure as the controlled variable, using PLC as controller, a pressure transmitter for sensing element, solid state relay actuator, which uses the PID algorithm of boiler pressure closed loop control system. Application of PLC ladder diagram programming language, to achieve automatic control of boiler pressure. Set



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