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英语 科第  U1T2 单元  Section C 课时讲学稿 讲学时间:  月  日 执笔者: 吴月桂      审核者:       科任:          【学习目标】 1. Learn some useful words and expressions: Russia, as well, competition, college, invent, even, score, into, side, basket, throw, follow, century, more and more 2. Learn about basketball. 3. Go on learning “making requests and responses”. 【重点】 Go on learning “making requests and responses”. 【难点】 Go on learning “making requests and responses”. 教学准备 录音机/图片/磁带   学情分析 学生的理解能力欠佳。碰到长的文章,较难理解。 教法  交际法,视听说法 学习过程 二次备课 【前测(复习引入】(课前检查) (一.) 写出下面形容词的比较级 cold- nice- hot easy popular difficult 二. 在文中划出下列短语并翻译 (1a)your plans for this year____________ enjoy playing table tennis_______________________ in different countries________________ have a very exciting life________________________ but very tiring as well_______________ (2) how to score in the game________________________ make the basketball game rules_____________________ indoors and outdoors_______________ one of the most popular sports______________________ at that time_____________________ have a history of over a century_____________________ invent an indoor game_______________ even in bad weather_________________ put the ball into the other side’s basket_______________ throw it with one hand or both hands________________________ follow the rules_____________ become more and more popular______________________ so that_____________   二、【目标展示,明确目标】教学目标: Say out the aims. 【讲授新课】 Learn the words. 2. (让学生听1a录音,并回答下列问题。) T: Kangkang is a reporter. He is making an interview. Listen to the tape in 1a and find out the answers to these questions: (1)Where is Ming going in March / June / August? (2)Does he enjoy playing basketball in different countries? Ss: … T: Open your books, listen to 1a again and repeat. (在同学们跟读的同时,板书1a中尚未导出的生词和短语,并用英文解释,必要时可用 汉语表述。) tiring as well 3. (将学生分成两人一组,练习1a对话,选


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