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河南建筑职业技术学院 毕 业 论 文 毕业论文题目:楼宇对讲系统的发展历程及施工方案 学生姓名:0000 学 号: 系 别:设备工程系 专业班级:09楼宇一班 指导教师姓名及职称:00 起止时间: 2012 年 2 月—— 2012 年 5 月 毕业论文:楼宇对讲系统的发展历程及施工方案 摘要:随着近几年来智能化行业的飞速发展,安防系统已由原来特殊待业,专门应用逐渐普及到各行各业。随着社会的不断发展,居家安全是人们安居乐业的基础,也是共建和谐社会的重要环节。尤其是比较分散、比较偏远、环境相对比较复杂的居民区,安全形势不容乐观,传统的门卫值班和保安巡逻等治安管理手段已经不能适应新形势下住宅安全保障的需要。因此,为了满足住宅小区用户安全和科学系统化管理的需要,楼宇对讲系统应运而生。 可视对讲系统主要用于楼内住户与外来访客之间提供双向通话,并可通过门口机上的摄像机为住户提供来客的图像,为住户判定是否让来客进入的直接依据。由住户遥控防盗门的开关及向保安管理中心进行紧急报警的一种安全防范系统,起到阻止不法分子非法进入,达到防盗的目的。楼宇对讲虽是一个新生的事物,但是由于近几年电子产品的更新速度加快,生产公司如雨后春笋一般蓬勃发展,各种产品型号花样繁多,并且技术复杂、规模庞大,系统更新量大。使初步接触的人们很难了解其系统构成及技术知识,本文用简洁的语言,介绍了楼宇对讲的发展历程及系统构成,以及工程设计的诸多难题。 关键词:楼宇对讲 发展历程 设计规范 Abstract:With intelligent in recent years the rapid development of industry, security systems already by original special unemployment, special application gradually spread to all walks of life. With the continuous development of society, the home is the foundation of the people live and work, is an important link of building the harmonious society. Especially more decentralized, more remote, environment is relatively complex residential areas, the security situation is not optimistic, traditional security guard duty and security patrol public security management means such as already can not adapt to the new situation of the residence security needs. Therefore, in order to satisfy the residential user safety and scientific systematic management needs, the communication system came into being. Video entry system is mainly used for building and living in foreign visitors to provide two-way conversation between, and through the door of a video camera on board of visitors from provide residents image, for resident decide whether let guest into direct basis. Residents of door of guard against theft by remote control to switch and security management center of the emergency alarm a safe guard system, rise to prevent criminals illegally entering, achieve the purpose of guard against theft. Though the communication is a new thing,


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