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英美散文名篇欣赏 A Selection of Excellent English and American Prose Writings (English and Chinese Version) 目录 世界医学之父《希波克拉底格言》选译 8 The Roman Peace by Aelius Aristides 13 罗马的和平 [古罗马] 阿里斯蒂德斯 13 To the Right Honorable the Earl of Chesterfield by Samuel Johnson 15 约翰逊致切斯特菲尔德伯爵书(五种译文赏析) 15 说明 16 译文一 辜正坤 译 文言体译文 16 译文二 辜正坤 译 白话体译文 17 译文三 黄继忠译 文言体译文 18 译文四 高健 译 常风校 文言体译文 19 译文五 罗珞珈译 文白体译文 19 附辜正坤译文说明: 20 Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice (Excerpt) 汉译 24 傲慢与偏见(节选) 24 Narcissus; or Self-Love by Francis Bacon 26 论自恋 弗兰西斯·培根 26 Of Travel by Francis Bacon 28 周游 29 杨自伍:靡不有始,鲜克有终 30 Of Riches by Francis Bacon 34 论财富 34 Of Beauty Francis Bacon 37 谈美 38 Of Truth by Francis Bacon 39 谈真理 39 Of Great Place by Sir Francis Bacon 41 论高位 41 Of Marriage and Single Life by Sir France Bacon 44 谈结婚与独身 44 Francis Bacon - Of Negotiating 汉译 45 说洽谈 46 Francis Bacon - Of Followers and Friends 汉译 47 谈门客与朋友 47 Francis Bacon - Of Deformity 汉译 48 谈残疾 49 Francis Bacon - Of Custom and Education 汉译 50 谈习惯和教育 51 Francis Bacon - Of Nature in Men 汉译 51 说人之本性 52 Francis Bacon - Of Discourse 汉译 53 谈辞令 53 Francis Bacon - Of Revenge 汉译 56 论复仇 56 Francis Bacon - Of Unity in Religion 汉译 58 谈宗教之统一 60 Francis Bacon - Of Death 汉译 63 论死亡 63 Francis Bacon - Of Fame 汉译 64 论谣言 65 Francis Bacon - Of Dispatch 汉译 66 谈求速 66 Francis Bacon - Of Wisdom For a Mans Self 汉译 68 谈利己之聪明 68 Of Love 70 论爱情 70 Resolutions when I Come to Be Old by Jonathan Swift 72 预拟老年决心 72 William Cobbet - A Watering Place 73 温泉胜地 海顿[著] 73 Upon Affectation by Lord Chesterfield 74 论矫情 切斯特菲尔德勋爵 76 On the Cries of London by Joseph Addison 78 伦敦的叫卖声 80 Death by Jeremy Taylor 83 死亡 83 The Ephemera: An Emblem of Human Life by Benjamin Franklin 84 蜉蝣人生的一个象征 富兰克林 85 Dancers by John Galsworthy 87 观舞 约翰?高尔斯华绥 88 The Clipper by John Masefield 89 快帆船 约翰·梅斯菲尔德 89 Shakespeares Island by George Gissing 91 莎士比亚之岛 乔治·吉辛 91 The Faculty of Delight by Charles Edward Montague 92 感知快乐的天赋 查尔斯·爱德华·蒙塔格 92 The Weather in His Soul by George Santayana 93 英国人灵魂的竟象 乔治·桑塔雅那 94 How to


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