HCI课件:Lecture - Accessibility.ppt

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Today’s Topics Kinds of impairments Assistive technology Accessibility guidelines Diversity of Ability ? Visual impairments – Color perception – Acuity (“legal blindness”) – Total blindness ? Hearing impairments – Often varies with frequency ? Motor disabilities – Tremor and spasms – Muscle weakness and fatigue – Paralysis Impairments Affect Everybody ? Aging – Reduced visual acuity – Hearing loss – Arthritis ? Overexposure – Noise-induced hearing loss – RSI ? Situational disabilities – Driving a car – Walking down the street – In a noisy environment Impairments Affect Everybody ? Aging – Reduced visual acuity – Hearing loss – Arthritis ? Overexposure – Noise-induced hearing loss – RSI ? Situational disabilities – Driving a car – Walking down the street – In a noisy environment Universal Design ? Equitable use ? Flexibility in use ? Simple intuitive ? Perceptible information ? Tolerance for error ? Low physical effort ? Size and space for approach and use Assistive Technology ? Output – Screen magnifier – Screen reader – Braille display – Screen flashing on sound ? Pointing – Eye or head tracker – Puff-and-sip – Mouse keys ? Typing – Onscreen keyboards – Sticky keys – Speech recognition Accessibility Guidelines ? Section 508 ? W3C Accessibility Initiative Support Keyboard Access ? Pointing interactions should have keyboard alternatives – Menus should be controllable by the keyboard – Forms and links should be navigable by keyboard – Needed by motor-impaired and vision-impaired Support Keyboard Access ? Pointing interactions should have keyboard alternatives – Menus should be controllable by the keyboard – Forms and links should be navigable by keyboard – Needed by motor-impaired and vision-impaired Provide Text to Screen Readers ? Screen readers need to automatically transform the display into spoken language Don’t Rely on Sound Alone ? Flash as well as beep ? Closed captioning for videos User Control Over Colors and Fonts ? Allow user to choose high-contrast col


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