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SENG613 - QFD - Davis, Zannier, Geras * SENG613 - QFD - Davis, Zannier, Geras * Planning Matrix 1)quantifies the customer’s requirements priorities 2)quantifies perceptions of the performance of existing products 3)allows priorities to be adjusted based on the issues that concern the design team Measures used are gathered from customer’s using a questionnaire and shown in a column alongside the customer requirement description. One of the better methods (but more involved) for prioritizing is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (SENG 611) where requirements are paired and the customer picks the most important of the pair. Requirement Importance Weighting - shows the relative importance of each of the customer’s requirements from their perspective – most important measure SENG613 - QFD - Davis, Zannier, Geras * Customer Satisfaction – how existing products fulfill their requirements Planned Satisfaction Rating – illustrates the desired satisfaction of customer requirements to be achieved by the desired product Improvement Ratio – divide planned performance by performance core of existing product Sales Point - a weight added to the requirements that can be used to help market the product Overall Weighting – multiplication of importance weight by improvement ratio by sales point SENG613 - QFD - Davis, Zannier, Geras * Customer Satisfaction should be shown for the existing product and competitors’ products. It should be noted… upon looking at different examples of the planning matrix there were different formulas for computing the improvement ratio. Two example formulas found were: Improvement Ratio = Planned Satisfaction / Customer Satisfaction (a.k.a) Planned Performance / Existing Performance OR Improvement Ratio = (Planned Satisfaction / Customer Satisfaction) * .2 + 1 The sales point is given as a value between 1.0 and 1.5, although the justification for this has not been determined. As long as the values are consistent across all computations


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