
行动分析:中专计算机教学自主学习策略的运用-action analysis the application of autonomous learning strategy in computer teaching in technical secondary school.docx

行动分析:中专计算机教学自主学习策略的运用-action analysis the application of autonomous learning strategy in computer teaching in technical secondary school.docx

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行动分析:中专计算机教学自主学习策略的运用-action analysis the application of autonomous learning strategy in computer teaching in technical secondary school

行动研究:中专计算机教学自主学习策略的运用首都师范大学02019908017 梁丽平中文摘要z臼主学习是当今教育研究的→个重要课题。科学技术的飞速发展要求人们能够自主学习 g自主学习也是解决当前教育以教为中心问题的重要途径。自主学习使学生全身心参与学习过程,成为学习的主人。 近年来中等职业学校生源质量下降,学生文化基础薄弱,自信心不足,缺乏上进的动力和学习积极性,不 能积极主动参与教学。本研究试图通过多种自主学习策略的综合应用,张扬学生的个性,引导学生主动学 习,改变教师讲、学生昕的教学方法,使教师善导,学生愿学、会学。本文主要研究自主学习的内涵、特征、心理机制、影响因素、理论依据等,在此基础上针对中专计算 机教学中存在的问题,设计实施了多种自主学习引导策略:(1)学习动机策略 (2)认知学习策略(3)白 我监控评价策略 (4)自主学习课堂教学策略g这些策略的实施,提高了学生的自我效能感,{i!:学生会 学气使教师的导学和学生的主体作用充分发挥,学生课堂参与能力提高,学习质量得到改善。本研究对多种自主学习策略的作用、方法步骤、注意事项等做了较详细的叙述,对中职教师具有一定 的借鉴意义:并就自主学习能力与学习成绩、白主学习方式和传统教学中教师的角色、教学目标认同策略、 自主学习与构建积极的课堂环挠、学生自主学习资源建设进行了探讨。英文摘要zSelf_Regulated Learning (SRL) is an i皿归rtant topk:of contemporary education res阳、cb. People must bave tbe abillty of SRL b四au睡。f tbe rapid progress of science and technology. SRL is the maln approach to solve current educa挝.ons problem whlcb the 胆achen are tbe center of teaching. SRL makes students Immene in tbe 1,四mingpro伺掘 and become the m嗣ter of learning. The quality of seωndarysenior profi回slonal schools studen臼decllne in recent years. Many students are not confident and are devold of impetus of making progl四s and learning enthuslasm.They can t take part in teachlng and laming activity. We try 10 町nthe拍臼IIy apply varati目。,fSRLstra胆gy to make students embody theirindividual ch町actics and lead their leamlng Inltiatively ? We try to cbarge tbe traditional teaching way -tbe teachen are used to explaining and tbe students are used to Iistening. This makes teacben be gωd atinduct and students be willing to learn,be gOod at leamlng.)。Tbe paper are malnly research the connotat阳ns,characters,psychological mecbanism ,infection facto凹,也抽retics base of SRL. Then aimlng at the problen略 in computer teacblng of 且condary 皿bool,we design and i皿.plement many Inductive strat句lY of SRL. (1) Leaming motlve strategy. (2) Cognition learning stratezy.Beltmomitwmd seH·酬mate strat咽.(4) teachlng S川崎y of SRL. Thls improve tbe,make they 1国rn-t o-know,exert the role ofteachers induction and studentsstudents self-efficienc



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