航标船主要机电设备在线与远程监测系统研究与实现分析-research and implementation analysis of online and remote monitoring system for main electromechanical equipment of navigation mark ship.docx
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航标船主要机电设备在线与远程监测系统研究与实现分析-research and implementation analysis of online and remote monitoring system for main electromechanical equipment of navigation mark ship
Research and Implementation of On-line and Remote Monitoring system of The Buoy Boat’s Main Electromechanical EquipmentA Thesis Submitted to ChongqingUniversity in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for theMaster’s Degree of EngineeringBy Deng ZihuiSupervised by Prof. Duan Li-mingSpecialty: Mechanic and Electronic EngineeringCollege of Mechanical Engineering of ChongqingUniversity, Chongqing, China May, 2014摘要航标船是维护长江航道航的重要船艇,其正常、安全运行对于长江航道建设 有重要意义,而航标船主要机电设备运行状态参数是了解航标船运行当前运行状 态的重要依据。针对目前航标船缺乏一个统一的设备运行状态监测系统这一现状, 本文进行航标船主要机电设备运行状态在线及远程监测系统的研究,并基于 LabVIEW 开发平台和 MySQL 数据库设计了在线及远程监测系统,实现了左右主 机、发电机、舵机和尾轴等设备的运行参数的实时在线和远程监测。本文主要的 研究内容和成果包括:① 对系统的功能需求以及需要监测的参数进行了分析,并设计了航标船主要 机电设备在线及远程监测系统的总体方案。系统包括船载在线监测系统和远程数 据中心两个部分。② 分析了长江航道局某航标船的实际现场情况,设计了船载在线监测系统的 硬件结构,并进行了传感器和信号采集模块等的硬件选型,实现了左右主机排气 温度、尾轴转速和舵机压力等参数的监测。另外,对左右主机控制箱使用的 RS485 总线和 Modbus 通信协议以及发电机监测仪使用的 CAN 总线和 J1939 协议进行了 分析,并结合相应的通信协议编写了数据读取与解析程序,实现了左右主机转速、 冷却水温、机油压力和故障报警等参数,以及发电机交流电压、交流频率等参数 的监测。③ 通过 MySQL 数据库实现了监测参数的存储,并实现了历史数据查询等功 能。在数据库中建立了左右主机柴油机故障信息专家知识库,实现了故障信息的 录入和查询等功能。④ 利用 DTU 通过中国联通 GPRS 网络将船载在线监测系统监测的设备运行 参数发送到远程数据中心,实现了主要机电设备运行状态参数的远程监测。本文设计的航标船主要机电设备在线及远程监测系统已在重庆长江航道局某 航标船上安装并正常运行,船载在线监测系统软硬件运行可靠,远程数据中心数 据接收稳定,能完全满足实际功能需求。关键词:航标船,LabVIEW,在线及远程监测,DTU,GPRSABSTRACTBuoy boat is an important boat to maintain Yangtze River waterway navigation, and the normal and safe operation of buoy boat is important for the construction of the Yangtze River waterway. The operating status parameters of the main electromechanical equipment are the important basis to understand the current operating status of buoy boat. Anti the lack of a unified buoy boat equipment condition monitoring system, this paper studied a online and remote monitoring system of operating status of the main electromechanical equipment of buoy boat. And designed a online and remote monitoring system based on LabVIEW and MySQL database, achieved the real-time online and remote monitoring of the operating parameters of the host engines, generator, steer
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