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漢語鼻音韻尾演變史研究摘要古代漢語的鼻音韻尾分為-m、-n、-? 三種類型,漢語鼻音韻尾的 演變是一種重要的語言現象,是漢語語音史研究的重要內容。本文在前 人研究成果的基礎上,採用歸納整理的方法,建立鼻音韻尾混用的數據 庫,從時間和空間兩個維度梳理出鼻音韻尾混用的演變線索;其次是結 合現代漢語方言材料,觀察、分析漢語鼻音韻尾演變的共性和個性,總 結漢語鼻音韻尾的地理分佈類型;最後,從語言內部和語言外部等方面 解釋鼻音韻尾分佈與演變的機制。全文共分為五章:第一章是緒論,重點是對前輩學者的研究成果進 行綜述,介紹本文研究的思路和方法。第二章分述先秦兩漢、魏晉南北 朝、唐五代、宋、元、明清六個時期內各方言區鼻音韻尾的混用類型, 分析各時期鼻音韻尾發展的特點,串聯鼻音韻尾發展的線索。第三章通 過梳理漢語各方言區鼻音韻尾的歷史演變方式,結合現代漢語方言鼻音 韻尾的分佈情況,從空間的角度上分析各地區鼻音韻尾歷史演變的共性 和差異。第四章結合現代漢語方言,討論漢語方言鼻音韻尾演變的共性 和機制,演進的區域不平衡性,以及地理分佈類型等問題。第五章是結 論,總結全文的研究結果,以及研究的創新之處和不足。關鍵詞:漢語;鼻音韻尾;歷史演變;分佈類型The Study of Phonetic Evolution of Chinese Nasal EndingsAbstractIt is well known that nasal endings in Archaic Chinese contain three types: -m, -n and -?. The evolution of Chinese nasal endings is not only a phenomenon of great importance, but also a basic ingredient in Chinese historical phonology. Based on former researches, this essay discovers a clue of the evolution of the blending of nasal finals in both diachronic and synchronic approaches, by building up a database of blending. In addition, the study summarizes the distribution of Chinese nasal finals by deep analysis of the individuality and commonness in dialect materials. Besides,we explain the mechanism of the distribution and evolution of nasal finals in language interior as well as exterior.The study can be divided into five parts. Chapter one is the introduction, which offers a brief overview of the field and the theories and methods used. Chapter two describes the blending types of different dialect zones in six periods separately, including Pre-Qin, Qin and Han Dynasties, Wei-Jin, South and North Dynasties, Tang and Five Dynasties, Yuan Dynasty and Ming and Qing Dynasties. We state characteristics of nasal endings change and associate the traces. Chapter three researches the similarities and differences of the evolution of nasal finals in different dialect zones, combined with the spatial patterns in modern Chinese. Chapter four focus on the dialect nasal ending
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