Experimental design Basic between-subject designs:实验设计的基本主题设计.ppt

Experimental design Basic between-subject designs:实验设计的基本主题设计.ppt

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Simple Factorial Design Results: Main effects Sex – not sig Cue – not sig Interaction Sex x Cue - sig Outcome: Females will perform better than males when navigating in the presence of distal cues but worse than males when navigating in the presence of proximal cues. Simple Factorial Design Results: Main effects Sex – not sig Cue – sig Interaction Sex x Cue – not sig Outcome: Females and males do not differ, there is no interaction but a significant effect of cue condition. Simple Factorial Design Results: Main effects Sex – sig Cue – not sig Interaction Sex x Cue – not sig Outcome: Females perform significantly better than males but there is no significant effect of cue condition and no interaction. Simple Factorial Design Results: Main effects Sex – not sig Cue – not sig Interaction Sex x Cue – not sig Outcome: no sig main effects or interaction Simple Factorial Design Results: Main effects Sex – sig Cue – sig Interaction Sex x Cue – sig Outcome: All effects are significant. Three Factor Experiment Sex x Cue x Temp (2 x 2 x 2) Female Distal Female Proximal Male Distal Male Proximal Sex F M Cue condition Distal Proximal Female Distal Female Proximal Male Distal Male Proximal Cue condition Distal Proximal Warm water (28°C) Cold water (18°C) How many results? Main effects Interactions Three Factor Experiment Sex x Cue x Temp (2 x 2 x 2) Main effects Sex Cue condition Water temp Interactions Sex x Cue Sex x Temp Cue x Temp Sex x Cue x Temp A three-way interaction Warm water (28°C) Cold water (18°C) Look at two-way interactions at different levels of the third factor Sex x Cue interaction No interaction The 4-Factor Facial Expression (try to avoid at all costs) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Research Design Formal and practical considerations Ch 9 MH Experimental design Three aspects of the experiment play the biggest part in determining the design Number of independent variables Number of treatment conditions Are treatments be


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