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2011阅读材料 1. /read/201001/95391.shtml 伊朗新年 Iran - jump Good Fire Irans New Year is Nuo Luzi, The festival is from the Iranian calendar January 1 to the time on the 13th. In the old one Wednesday last night, to hold jump Good Fire activities in preparation for the advent of the New Year. Families sit around the fire, laughing and jumping. After jumping Good Fire, the young girls, in twos and threes, go hand in hand, sing songs, go to visit neighborhood homes to obtain candy, named the discuss auspicious. They also stand in the shadow or the street corner conversations overheard passers-by and use to hear the first sentence forecast(预测) their next years good or bad fortune. New Years Eve, the whole family gathered, eating a hearty family reunion dinner. At this time table was seven things, and their meanings are: wheat seedling, or sugar pea - everything vibrant(万物生机勃勃); Apple - fruits, delicious and nourishing; vinegar - happiness; garlic - drive out demons; gold, silver -- - Good Fortune, fortune prosperity; spices - a beautiful life; maltose - life sweet. From the first to third of New Year, people often visit relatives and friends, and wish each other a happy New Year. The owner took out a variety of delicious desserts and dried fruits in honor of the guests. Picnic is the final event for Nuo Luzi. Iranians think that the 13 is an ominous figure, so the first month on the 13th, the families often trips avoid the evil. 【文章大意】本文主要介绍了伊朗人过新年情况。在旧年最后一个星期三的晚上,要举行跳“祝火”活动,迎接新年的来临。除夕,全家欢聚,吃顿丰盛的“团圆饭”; 初一到初三,人们走亲访友,互祝新春快乐; 郊游是“诺鲁兹”的最后一项活动。伊朗人认为,“十三”是个不吉祥的数字,所以正月十三日人们合家出游踏青,以避邪恶。这和中国的新年大不相同。 2. /cn/Html/Listening_Speaking/Oral_English/87807.html 英国人说谢谢的少了 - If you do someone a good turn today, dont expect a thank you. “Cheers”; “ta” or even “wicked” is the more likely response, if a survey is to be believed. Research among computer users suggests that the traditional expression of gratitude has fallen by the wayside. Almost half of those polled said they now use cheers


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