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管道工程常用术语 管道 conduit, pipeline, duct 管道结构 pipeline (conduit) stucture 埋地管道,地下管道 buried conuit (pipeline), under-ground conduit (pipeline) 地上管道 above=ground conduit (pipeline) 水下管道 submerged pipeline, subaqueous pipeline 海底管道 submarine pipeline 架空管道 overhead pipeline 管桥 pipe bridge 工业管道 industrial pipeline 给水管道 water supply conduit (pipeline) 输水管道 water transmission conduit (pipeline) 配水管道 water distribution pipeline 排水管道 sewer conduit (pipeline) 雨水管道 storm sewer conduit (pipeline) 河流管道 combined drainage conduit (pipeline) 污水管道 sewage conduit (pipeline) 涵洞 culvert 建筑给水管道 pipeline for water supply in building 建筑排水管道 pipeline for waste water (sewerage) in building 雨落管 down pipe, down spout 冷却水管道 cooling water pipeline 输油管道 petroleum transmission pipeline 输气管道 gas transmission pipeline 供热管道 heat-supply pipeline 采暖管道 heating pipeline 通风管道 ventilating duct 细颗粒固体输送管道 finely divided solid transmission pipeline 管沟 pipe duct 电缆沟 cable duct 通行地沟 accessible duct 不通行地沟 unpassable duct 综合管道,共同沟 combined duct 电工套管 electrical conduits 无压管道 non-pressure conduit (pipeline) 自流管道,重力流管道 free-flow conduit (pipeline), gravity-flow conduit (pipeline) 管道穿越 pipeline under crossing 管道跨越 pipeline aerial (over) crossing 管道支架 pipeline trestle 管道支墩 pipeline pier 刚性管 rigid pipe 柔性管 flexible pipe 半柔性管,半刚性管 semi-flexible pipe, semi-rigid pipe 内衬 liner 涂层 coating, surface layer 管道接头 pipeline joint 管件 pipe fitting 管道附件 pipe accessory 管道附属构筑物 pipeline appurtenance 止推墩,固定墩 thrust blocks, anchor 管道防腐 corrosion prevetive of pipes 管道隔热,管道保温 thermal insulation of pipes 钢管 steel pipe 焊接钢管 welded steel pipe 无缝钢管 seamless steel pipe 螺旋焊接钢管 spiral welded steel pipe 直缝焊接钢管 longitudinal welded steel pipe 电阻焊 electirc resistence welding, ERW 不锈钢管 stainless steel pipe 合金钢管 alloy steel pipe 铸铁管 cast iron pipe (CIP) 灰口铸铁管 grey cast iron pipe (CIP) 稀土铸铁管 rare earth cast iron pipe 球墨铸铁管,可延性铸铁管 nodular castiron pipe, ductile cast iron pipe (DIP) 铸态球墨铸铁管 unannealed nodular (ductile) cast iron pipe 混凝土管 concrete pipe (CP)


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