Using De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats for Creative Thinking,….ppt

Using De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats for Creative Thinking,….ppt

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Using De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats for Creative Thinking,…

Using De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats for Creative Thinking, Effective Decision Making, Engaged Meetings, and Faster Problem Solving Welcome Welcome Six Thinking Hats In The Library Blue Process White Objective Red Intuitive Green Creative Yellow Positive Black Cautious Before 6 Thinking Hats After 6 Thinking Hats Today’s Outline I. Why Thinking Matters II. De Bono III. 6 Thinking Hats IV. Tutu Example V. Group Exercise V. In Conclusion I. Why Thinking Matters Thinking about Thinking Thinking is like breathing – we take it for granted. But how we think is just as vital to our lives as leaders as breathing is to live. (Thinking about Thinking, 1993, p.70). We ALL Think we are “Right” All of us assume that the way we think is the “right” way Thinking often proceeds as waffle and reaction to what turns up from moment to moment How we think dictates our approach and therefore our behaviors When we fail at something, we ascribe it to be bad luck, we seldom take the view that the way we thought about it was part of the problem Thinking Causes Confusion We involve too much in the thinking process We inappropriately get our emotions, ethics, values, ruts, friendships, intelligences, gender issues, experiences, creativity, flexibility, learning styles, opinions, and thinking styles involved in decision making and problem solving situations Thinking Stew Suggestions, judgment, criticism, information, and plain emotion become all mixed together in a sort of thinking stew Classic Overthinking II. Edward De Bono Considered the father of lateral thinking Concluded that the only people satisfied with their thinking skills were POOR THINKERS who believed that the purpose of thinking was to prove yourself right Believed that people needed to embrace the concept of thinking ONE THING at a time This allows thinkers to separate emotion and other baggage from logic Lateral Thinking Thinking to resolve problems with an indirect and creative approach, using reasoning t


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