Virginia Woolf 介绍 .ppt

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Virginia Woolf 介绍

Virginia Woolf ( 1882-1941) Profession: English novelist,essayist and critic; Status : One of the foremost modernist/feminist literary figures of the 20th century; Marked feature: A feminist, homosexual and patient with depression Character: open-minded, progressive; pursues freedom. Born in England in 1882 Father: a famous literature critic and editor Educated at home influence her career ● Experiences of nervous breakdown 13-year-old, her mother died; sexual abuse by her half-brothers suffer from nervous breakdown and depression ● Two marriages: First husband, a gay.—a failure 1912 , married Leonard Woolf, a critic and writer on economics. They set up the Hogarth Press in 1917. Their home became a gathering place for a circle of artists, critics, and writers known as the Bloomsbury group. Death(at the age of 59) in 1941; depression drowned herself (fear for another nervous breakdown) Major novels 1. The Voyage Out(1915年)远航 2. Night and Day(1919年)时时刻刻 3. Jacobs Room(1920年)雅各的房间 4. Mrs.Dalloway(1925年)达洛维夫人 5. To the Lighthouse(1927年)到灯塔去 6. Orlando:a Biography(1928年)奥兰多 7. The Waves(1931年)海浪 8. The Years(1937年)岁月 9. Between the Acts(1941年)幕间 The theme of her work Use the stream of consciousness technique. flow of ordinary experience; inner essence of a character; revealing the character’s thoughts concentrating on precise,significant details. ● Her prose is poetic(理想化的),symbolic(象征的),and visual(视觉化的). ● holds a feminist view: concerned with the rights and position of women, especially of intelligent women and women writers. She actively took part in the struggle for woman’s rights Why did Woolf write the account of Ellen Terry ? ◆ Same experience as woman critic; doesn’t attend school;s


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