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初高中英语衔接 一、一般过去时、过去进行时和现在进行时的被动语态)(30分) 读下列三个简短情景,选择动词的一般过去时或过去进行时形式填空。(10分) 1.I____(see)Sue in town yesterday but she____(not see)me.She____(look)the other way. 2.I_____(meet)Tom and Ann at the airport a few weeks ago.They_____(go)to Berlin and I_____(go)to Madrid.We_____(have)a chat while we_____(wait)for our flights. 3.I___(cycle)home yesterday when suddenly a man___(step)out into the road in front of me.I___(go)quite fast but luckily I___(manage)to stop in time and___(not hit)him. 用句中所给动词的一般过去时或过去进行时形式完成下列句子。(10分) 1.Jane_____(wait)for me when I_____(arrive). 2.—What_____(you /do)at this time yesterday? ?? —I was sleeping. 3.—_____(you /go)out last night? ?? —No,I was too tired. 4.—Was Carol at the party last night? ???—Yes,she_____(wear)a really nice dress. 5.How fast_____(you /drive)when the accident_____(happen)? 6.John_____(take)a photograph of me while I_____(not look). 7.We were in a very difficult position.We_____(not know)what to do. 8.I havent seen Alan for ages.When I last_____(see)him,he_____(try)to find a job in London. 9.I_____(walk)along the street when suddenly I_____(hear)footsteps behind me.Somebody(follow)me.I was frightened and I_____(start)to run. 10.When I was young,I_____(want)to be a bus driver. C)用现在进行时的被动语态完成下列句子。(10分) 1.The question_____(discuss)at the meeting now. 2.My trousers_____(mend). 3.The water in the pot_____(change)into vapor. 4.The car_____(not drive)at present. 5.Three children_____(not punish). 6.The old houses_____(pull down)for the new roads. 7.Our classroom_____(clean)by some students at the moment. 8.—Can I help you,madam? ?? —No,thank you.I_____(serve). 9.Anew ring road round the city_____(build). 10.The computers_____(use)by the students of Class 5. II.A)1.saw;didnt see;was looking2.met;were going;was going;had;were waiting3.was cycling;stepped;was going;managed;didnt hit B)1.was waiting;arrived 2.were you doing3.Did you go 4.was wearing /wore 5.were youdriving;happened 6.took;wasnt looking



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