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知覺歷程 心理學 第四章 第一節 知覺的心理特徵 知覺的相對性 選擇性 整体性 恆常性 Figure and Ground形象與背景118 M.C. EscherDutch, 1898 - 1972 知覺對比 121 Day and Night, 1938 知覺對比 Figure and Ground “It may take a magician to pull a rabbit out of a hat, but we all possess sufficient magic to pull a duck out of a rabbit.” R. N. Shephard, 1990 知覺的組織性 Principles of Grouping Proximity接近 Seeing 3 pair of lines in A Similarity相似 Seeing columns of orange and red dots in B Continuity連續 Seeing lines that connect 1 to 2 and 3 to 4 in C Closures閉合 Seeing a horse in D 第二節 知覺歷程 空間 時間 移動 錯覺 The Ponzo Illusion Linear perspective provides context Side lines seem to converge Top line seems farther away But the retinal images of the red lines are equal! 第三節 知覺的發展 嬰兒知覺 嬰兒視知覺 Perception of Faces Fantz (1961, 1963) found that neonates preferred patterned figures, such as faces over plain stimuli Infants made the distinction between a correct schematic face and when the elements of the face were scrambled Results Blue shows habituation 4-mo-old infants looked longer at inconsistent event (red dot) compared to consistant event (green) Baillargeon (1994) 3-mo-olds are think object will fall if it loses all contact with support 6-mo-olds understand that a significant portion must remain on the support 第四節 影響知覺的心理因素 學習與經驗 知覺的觀點差異 知覺的動機因素 Context Effects The same physical stimulus can be interpreted differently We use other cues in the situation to resolve ambiguities Is this the letter B or the number 13? 第五節 超感知覺 性質 實驗法 第六感 MC Escher 1938 Ascending and Descending“Contrast (Order and Chaos), 1950 * * 知覺的整體性 錯覺 Stairs? Right side up or upside down? Reversible Figure and Ground! A man or the word “liar?” Looking up or looking down? The Mueller-Lyer Illusion! Which line is longer? Are these lines crooked or parallel? The Ebbinghaus Illusion! Which middle circle is larger? Count the black balls! Possible Impossible


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